The Aboriginal people handed over Australia to the whites. So it is rightfully ours.
Let us decree that from this point onwards, all Aboriginal people and those of non-United Kingdom origins engage in a mass exodus from this country which rightfully belongs to the whites.
/Holly H
At which point did they do that? I'd actually say Australia was annexed.
If it was given to the whites then why would the government say sorry?
You two have probably had two many incidents with the irrational behaviour of some people of society and associated this irrationality with their skin colour.
Either that or you've been influenced by someone who has.
I'd say, words like "fob" and "bogan" have (thankfully) lost their offensiveness in society and are more colloqiual rather than social taboo. Personally it's been a long time since I saw anyone get offended at anything like that. Even the n-word that is used in reference to people who look like they have African ancestry.
You may see new migrants take offense to words like "fob" because it's probably the first time they are being isolated as a group because of their outsider-looking features. The anger is from their exclusion rather than their offense at the name.
Being of a mixed ethnic background myself, I do get pressured by my mother (subtely) to marry white women simply because she thinks they are more beautiful. I personally think that this is very stupid (blantly put) of her. Beauty is always in the eyes of the beholder.
Though Ben.Civiletti I'd have to disagree. Holly.H (like everyone) is a person with the right to believe in the way she believes. Nobody is filth. Not even the drunk man on the street who uses taxpayers money for his beer. Everyone has their own biases (be it through the influences of others) and if you do disagree with what they say, NEVER make a personal attack. Feel free to agrue but making a personal attack makes you the idiot.