I'm sorry but there's a logical fallacy there. That's like saying, my age is 28, and this random wallet I found had 28 dollars. So you never know if it's mine.
Non circular motion is again, not in the syllabus. You do not require to solve problems without constant w. If you do, all you'll be required to do is find the tangential and normal components of acceleration, which is not really solving anything, but showing your knowledge on product rule + forces.
But then again, for me, this isn't "counted" as being in the syllabus, because it's very minor, within 3 hours, and 10 questions, they have much more important things to test and etc. But i guess others might count this as a part of syllabus, but, you need not to know anything else pretty much, because it's no different from uniform circular motion besides the fact that you have to calculate the net force in the end.
I'm not sure about you guys, but I'm pretty confident that they won't put a question on this, but if they do, I doubt it will go over 2 marks, and 2 marks is negligible, if you can study other areas which are more prone to give marks. Well that's my opinion.
Either way, I don't understand jm01, as to why he cares so much. Like if other people say or think it's not a part of syllabus, isn't a more normal reaction is to go "ok, it's your loss"? Well I guess that's my point of view.