OMG i totally know wat u mean... i've fell asleep in a like 2 of her lectures alrdy too...
Hmmm note to self: dont leave 5 min early hahaha, frack that was awkward...
I did doze off haha >.<
hahaha! yeah, that made me lol... she's like a passive agressive lecturer!
My math lectures are more boring. I nearly fell asleep in mine today.
The course'll get harder though. I've been looking through the textbook, and it goes into more detail than high school chem does.
Yeah, a friend of mine from second year biomed said the course goes into a lot of depth after about week 3... it'll be hard, but at least it will make it a little more interesting (that did sound nerdier than intended... you catch my drift though? lol)
AART1400 makes me lose attention and log onto Facebook on the giant iMacs.
i'm jealous!
is that a reference to something that i should be following right now? that for the train times?
i ended up driving today, cbf since it's a fairly long day (9-7)
might see you sometime in the coming weeks though =)
btw, what do you reckon - i'm thinking maybe postpone our bos meet...? i cbf this week, plus sam5, minime, jackydoll, etc, should be there!