For Chemistry i've been summarising my notes further, i made a summary throughout the year and i've been going through it the past few days and writing down things that i'm not quite down pat on, and well every 10pages i could fit roughly onto 1 A4 page so i ended up with about 20 pages of notes at the end, i made sure i memorised this and i've just made sure i understand all the concepts. An important thing with my sciences are the practicals, make sure you know each of these so that you could basically write a 7 mark question on, also if you do Industrial chemistry since there is a lot of processes i made these into mind maps and made sure i could actually draw them, e.g. Frash Process, Solvay Process. For physics, in some ways there's not as much content because it's not too much memorising chemical formulas but more so understanding the actual physics of it. So i don't spend as much time on notes, i spend more time doing past HSC papers and trial papers.
I think this year both exams will be focussing on Skills and things in section 9.1 - So far the trend that i've picked up this year is that the BOS has approached the HSC exams from a new angle. There's been a bit of change to formatting of papers, e.g. Maths extension 1/2 the harder questions weren't necessarily at the end, English - Mod B much more specific then in previous years. Biology - focused on a lot of skills and analytical thinking. I expect this to be the same for at least Chemistry or Physics.