greyhound racing using live baits (1 Viewer)


Active Member
May 12, 2012
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Now I know why you're defending them, I hope you're not live baiting too. It's just too cruel.

20 alleged criminals/30000 participants?

Does that participants include average joe or just the trainers??

20/ number of trainers, your percentage will skyrocket.

20 of the alleged are the biggest names in the greyhound industry, when the biggest cheat, you can be sure the whole industry is fucked.
Participants = trainers, stewards, owners, breeders- those actually engaged in the industry.

20 of the alleged are isolated cases who are criminals. And no, you can't. You have no evidence or facts to suggest that is the case- you are making false accusations. It is simply not the case. You are trying to imply the industry is criminal, and that participants are largely criminals. That is not the case, you are blatantly wrong.
It is not appropriate that these criminals were left undetected, and is a fault upon the regulatory boards for not having found the offenders earlier. The task forces which have been employed will surely resolve the issue and will prove the case that these are small isolated groups who deserve no spot in our industry and code. Then all you who have been making false accusations will hopefully go away and let the majority of innocent parties in peace, to care for and race their greyhounds as they did before the 4Corners program which has indistinguishably damaged the reputation of all parties.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2012
In the greyhound racing industry, the key to success and profitability for breeders and trainers is to have fast dogs. But only 60% of the estimated 20,000 greyhound pups born each year have the athletic capabilities and top speed to become a racing dog. Bred for no other purpose than to race and win, around 8,000 young and healthy greyhounds are discarded and killed each year without ever making it to the racetrack.
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Racing life
The greyhounds who do make it to the track are put at significant risk of sustaining serious injuries, such as broken hocks or legs, or head trauma, during training and racing. Up to 200 dogs are reported injured during official races each week. Some even die from cardiac arrest due to the extreme physical intensity of racing. On many occasions the injuries are 'uneconomical' to treat and the owner will instead have the dog killed. On average around 5 dogs are killed at official races each week as a result of greyhound racing. Off the track their lives may not be much better — oftentimes being kept in tiny barren pens or kennels for the majority of their lives, only released to train or race. Racing greyhounds are not commonly kept as companion animals.
Information from greyhound rescue groups also indicates that many rescued racing greyhounds have been underfed, possibly because they have been kept on a restricted diet to keep them at a lean racing weight.
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Once a racing greyhound is not fast enough to win races, his or her career soon comes to an end. Around 12,000 greyhounds are 'retired' each year and for most dogs this is between the ages of two and four. The industry classifies these dogs as 'retired', but whilst a greyhound's natural lifespan would be 12 to 14 years, very few will live to that age. Some ex-racers go into breeding programs, but will then likely be killed at age 5-6 years. Only a small number of 'retirees' — estimated at around 10% (or 2,000) of all pups born each year will get to enjoy their retirement in a loving home. The vast majority are killed once they have served their (racing) purpose. Other, perfectly healthy dogs are given to university veterinary faculties where they may be killed for use in teaching and training.
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'Live baiting'
Live baiting refers to the illegal practice of using live animals for the purpose of training greyhounds. Investigations by Animals Australia and Animal Liberation Queensland have revealed that live baiting is a routine and accepted training method used by dozens of Australian greyhound trainers. Investigators documented piglets, possums and rabbits being tied to lures and trainers releasing dogs to chase the lure then allowing dogs to catch and maul the defenceless animals. Trainers were also documented tying live animals to leads/leashes to taunt and stimulate greyhounds into aggressive behaviour before allowing them to maul the helpless animals. The groundbreaking investigations across New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland were aired on ABC Four Corners on 16 February 2015.
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The Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) operates in most states but rehomes only a relatively small number of ex-racing dogs — around 1,000 nationally each year. The longest established GAP in Victoria rehomed 536 greyhounds last year, and the other states significantly fewer. Other rescue groups also rehome greyhounds, but together those efforts mean less than 10% of all pups born each year will live out a natural life span.
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The Australian greyhound racing industry exports hundreds of greyhounds to supply and stimulate racing industries in other countries, where most of them will also be killed after their racing days. One of the biggest markets is Macau — where the Canidrome racing track does not allow any dogs to be adopted. Greyhounds Australasia (representing the State industry bodies) adopted a policy in 2014 opposing export of greyhounds to Macau, Vietnam and other countries which do not have animal welfare laws, but breeders/owners/trainers continue the practice.
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An industry in decline
Australia is one of only eight countries in the world with a commercial greyhound racing industry — Australia is by far the biggest. However, internationally, it is an industry in decline. In the USA, greyhound racing is now illegal in 39 states, 28 of the 49 tracks have closed in the last decade and wagering has dramatically reduced.
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Government support
State governments provide millions of dollars to the greyhound racing industry — actively encouraging growth and participation through breeding incentives, appearance fees, infrastructure and race-day attraction grants and even prize money. Despite this extensive government support, the industry receives little, if any, government oversight.
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Problem gambling
Australians spend more on gambling per capita than any other country. An estimated $4 billion is wagered on greyhound racing each year in Australia. A Productivity Commission review estimated the social cost of problem gambling to be at least $4.7 billion a year. A Price Waterhouse Coopers report in NSW in 2014 concluded that the racing industry is a 'consumptive sector', and doesn't 'generate any significant productivity benefits to the rest of the economy'.
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Animals Australia's position
Animals Australia is opposed to greyhound racing as it places financial considerations ahead of the welfare of animals. Greyhounds in the racing industry are perceived as disposable goods and until greyhound racing is banned, these gentle dogs will continue to be confined in small pens, to suffer injuries, and to be neglected and killed.
As long as this industry is allowed to continue, Animals Australia calls for:
An end to industry self-regulation and therefore the establishment of a permanent Government 'Task Force' (in each State) that has regulatory oversight of greyhound racing.
The introduction of statutory requirements to reduce breeding and to introduce effective programs to find homes for all healthy retired racing dogs. Programs which offer financial incentives to breed more dogs should be abolished.
State governments to cease their funding of the greyhound industry.
All lures used in greyhound training/racing to only be artificial material and without sound.
All training/breaking-in premises to be licenced and have CCTV installed. As part of that licence — routine/random inspections of facilities can occur at any time without notice.
State racing authorities to use their discretionary powers to immediately suspend any trainers and owners found to be live-baiting.
The installation of straight tracks and the reduction of the number of dogs in each race to reduce the number of deaths and injuries to dogs.
The Federal government to enact export laws to prohibit the export of greyhounds to countries or facilities overseas where their welfare cannot be protected.
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What you can do to help
Never bet on greyhound racing. The Australian greyhound racing industry sadly puts profits above the wellbeing of the animals in their industry. Betting on greyhound races keeps this industry profitable.
Take action to end barbaric 'live baiting' cruelty.
Contrary to the general perception, greyhounds make great additions to the family. They love human company and their gentle nature and low requirement for exercise makes them suitable for almost every home. Discover more about adopting or fostering a greyhound.

Man, that adoption myth was full of shit, majority of the dogs are killed.

BAN GREYHOUND RACING FROM AUSTRALIA!! Worst greyhound abuser in the whole world!!!
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Active Member
May 12, 2012
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Dogs fan Doug Ewart said people would be mad not to think “90 per cent of the dogs” had been blooded.
“I saw (Four Corners) last night — it was disgraceful,” he said. “I knew it happened but I didn’t know about piglets and possums. The way they ripped them apart, it was disgraceful.”
The word of a 'dogs fan' is insignificant in my own opinion.
It is not appropriate to suggest that because a 'dogs fan' "knew it happened" that this is the reality- it is not. 90%? That is complete rubbish. Perhaps Doug didn't see the evidence/facts which have turned up, which as I have to repeatedly say, alleges 20 cases out of the entire industry.

ebbygoo, you should be out there advocating to stop this practice instead of denying and that it is a practice of a few if you love and work in the industry.

financialwar, cut out the racist stuff it is just as bad.
The practice is not something I, and majority of participants, are involved in. The revelations in the program came as a shock to majority of the industry just as it did to the general public watching the program. Personally I was appalled by the actions, and as I have numerously stated, it is the actions of a small few- the greyhound community is NOT what the program would like to imply it is. I am not sure how to further emphasis this point. The GBOTA (an association representing breeders, owners and trainers) has responded to the program with the below, which I stand by, as a participant, and reflects the view of the many members and surely the industry participants on the whole.
“Live baiting is an illegal practice and represents animal cruelty at its worst,” said Mr. Scott.

“Despite considerable funds being expended by controlling bodies across Australia on animal welfare, integrity and rule compliance grounds, the Four Corners programme has shown extreme weaknesses exist in current regulation processes.

“Given this, the independent taskforce, which will assess training methods and arrangements and controls that need to be in place at trial tracks, is welcomed and supported.”

The NSW GBOTA conducts racing at seven venues throughout NSW and will continue to provide racing and trialling services that are legal, rule compliant and consistent with best practice animal welfare standards.

In addition, and despite the revelations on Four Corners, the NSW GBOTA believes that the vast majority of NSW participants partake in greyhound racing in an appropriate and law abiding manner.

Accordingly, the NSW GBOTA condemns the action of those that have been identified as being involved in live baiting and supports the strongest possible action being taken against the offenders by controlling authorities and law enforcement agencies.

This has been damning for our code, and will result in damage to the reputation, financing, image and livelihood of the industry and those involved in the code. As all the regulatory boards have released in their official responses, including Greyhounds Australiasia- the head authority in charge of greyhounds in both Australia and New Zealand have stated and quoted the CEO in their press release,
"Scott Parker, CEO of Greyhounds Australasia, the peak body for the industry in Australia and New Zealand, has released: “I am appalled at some of the footage shown on the Four Corners program. The use of live animals to train greyhounds is disgusting, illegal, unethical and totally rejected by the industry.

“I am very disappointed that a number of our participants apparently have no respect for the law in their desire to succeed. The 30,000 participants who play by the rules have had their reputations severely and unfairly damaged by this appalling conduct."

This is the sentiment the wider community stands by. The activities are not welcome in our sport, and should not have crept into it in the first place. Those offenders should/will face the consequences, however, it is not the role for the average participant to become involved with- it is the responsibility of the regulatory boards to find this behaviour, and has simply not been good enough on their account that it wasn't detected thus far. There is nothing to deny- the footage as shown on 4Corners was the act of a small number of 'trainers', not the broader community. It IS the practice of a few, and I have faith that with the increased Government funding into investigations as a result of the allegations, and the task forces, that this practice will be eliminated from the code, and the actions of the small minority will no further tarnish the industry.


Active Member
May 12, 2012
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financialwar;6911342 [url said:[/url]

Man, that adoption myth was full of shit, majority of the dogs are killed.

You're going to quote the possibly most bias 'organisation' possible on the issue in your case against my statements and evidence?

I see not one source for any figure they have released.


Dec 20, 2012
Where you have a combination of animals, greed and gambling - it is toxic. Live baiting is widespread ebbygoo because participants are corrupt and the governments have too much money to lose from their tax cuts from the gambling dollars. Read somewhere it is a multi billion gambling industry. I applaude 4 corners for starting the process to stop this barbaric industry.


Active Member
May 12, 2012
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Where you have a combination of animals, greed and gambling - it is toxic. Live baiting is widespread ebbygoo because participants are corrupt and the governments have too much money to lose from their tax cuts from the gambling dollars. Read somewhere it is a multi billion gambling industry. I applaude 4 corners for starting the process to stop this barbaric industry.
Based off what evidence? What facts? Have you ever met or spoke to a greyhound trainer before or seen their greyhounds? You are accusing an industry comprised of 30000 of corruption, barbaric behaviour, greed, illegal activity, and animal cruelty based on the allegations and criminal activity of 20 persons, of whom several were shown on a TV report. That is a personal attack against thousands, including myself, of whom the large majority are not involved. I applaud Four Corners for finding evidence against a small minority and have faith in the certainty that these are isolated cases, however, what I cannot agree with is the negative backlash this has had for the industry as a whole, and painting the industry the way they have, which it is simply not. You say it is widespread because participants are corrupt? Show me any evidence that it is widespread- show me anything to suggest the larger community is involved. You cannot, because it is not true. Bottom line is 20 alleged/30000+ participants. You are implying and trying to destroy the passion, livelihood, reputation, and good behaviour of the larger participant community based on the crimes of a small few whom the 4Corners program have exposed and blown out of proportion to suggest it is "widespread". That is illogical and unacceptable in my opinion. The industry is not barbaric. Participants are not corrupt, despite what the 'welfare organisations' may like to say. You may like to think so in order to support your 'arguments' but it is not the case.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2012
You'll have to forgive me, I don't understand your "passion", why can't you just bet on roulette or other forms of gambling instead on animal racing? The whole premise of greyhound racing is to have the fastest dog, in order to have the fastest of dog, or any animal will involve abuse. Breeders and trainers don't give a fuck about greyhound, they only want your $$$.

And what do they do with the greyhound meat after they are killed? I mean if you going to kill greyhound for racing, might as well make another industry out of it, the dog meat industry. Two birds one stone. All that lean meat no fat.
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Active Member
May 12, 2012
Look Up.
You'll have to forgive me, I don't understand your "passion", why can't you just bet on roulette or other forms of gambling instead on animal racing? The whole premise of greyhound racing is to have the fastest dog, in order to have the fastest of dog, or any animal will involve abuse. Breeders and trainers don't give a fuck about greyhound, they only want your $$$.
The minute you said this, was the minute you lost all remaining credibility in my eyes.
I am willing to discuss the issue with those who want to have some decency in their replies, but you are not the person I will further be dealing with.
Greyhound training is done as a passionate hobby, and there is a genuine care for the dogs by the 99.999% of trainers who are doing the right thing.
If you had ever actually been involved, rather than pointing fingers from the outside, you would know greyhounds are supremely cared for and nurtured.

And what do they do with the greyhound meat after they are killed? I mean if you going to kill greyhound for racing, might as well make another industry out of it, the dog meat industry. Two birds one stone. All that lean meat no fat.
I don't even know how to respond to this.

As I previously mentioned, I shall not be further responding to your ignorance, and to the personal, abusive attacks you are making to myself, and the industry as a whole.
If you want to investigate the topic yourself, then by all means, maybe then you'll actually see the reality of the situation, and not the criminalising view the media and 'organisations' want you to believe, based off the criminal actions of 23 offenders.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Financial war, why don't you care about the vastly worse abuses against animals perpetrated by the chinese?


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
Sure buddy, and they couldn't do it again after 40 years... Very believable.
Because money? It isn't exactly hard with today's technology to put a man on the moon. I mean were able to build a giant space station.

Have fun with your shark fin soup, spending hundreds of dollars on something that doesn't have any taste of its own.

There's a reason why Asian countries have started to ban the practice. Guess you're still uncivilized to realise this.


Active Member
May 12, 2012
Look Up.
I don't get it. It was only a few criminals doing this right? Not that big of a deal IMO.

I think they need to better control this sort of industry though. Make a big racecourse and have it like the horse racing we see. Not some dodgy race track in some guys backyard.
This is what I'm trying to convey. Yes, the actions of a few criminals- it is not a widespread issue, as the welfare organisations/4corners would try and say in order to support their own agenda.

Also, you're right. They never should have been able to go undetected, they should be punished severely, and the task forces now assigned should eliminate the problem.
Also, I assure you most greyhound tracks are upto standard in NSW- go check out Wentworth park in the city it's pretty good. In Victoria this is a non issue- more government support has meant their facilities and set up is superior to that of NSW. But hey most participants would welcome a new facility and there's hopes of getting one in the future with the tax breaks coming as a result of the NSW inquiry and its findings about the economic sustainability of the code.
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2012
Have fun with your shark fin soup, spending hundreds of dollars on something that doesn't have any taste of its own.

There's a reason why Asian countries have started to ban the practice. Guess you're still uncivilized to realise this.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
child please.

So fucking true about shark fin soup. There's no flavour of the shark fin and it provides nothing. You do realize what they do with the sharks right? Cut their fins off and let them die in the ocean. Don't even have the decency to eat the whole shark.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2012
child please.

So fucking true about shark fin soup. There's no flavour of the shark fin and it provides nothing. You do realize what they do with the sharks right? Cut their fins off and let them die in the ocean. Don't even have the decency to eat the whole shark.
Gordon Ramsey is a racist cunt that does not appreciate shark fin, if you have taste shark fin, you'll know it's the best delicacy there is.

Let me ask you, if it's that bad and immoral, why doesn't the governments of Australia criminalise it? Shark fin is legal in every state and territory in this country.

Also there have been rising reports of shark attacks recently, so killing sharks ain't that bad. Plus, WA even have a shark culling program. So get off your high horse. It's not as bad as dogs tearing pigs to pieces so that you get make few $$$.

In the International Plan of Action for Sharks, the FAO recommends that sharks not be killed for their fins alone and that where sharks are fished, that they be utilised for their entire carcass, not just their fins. In accordance with these recommendations, finning bans have been imposed in nearly all state and territory longline fisheries with the exception of the Northern Territory. In these states landing requirements dictate that when sharks are caught, either as target species or bycatch, their carcasses must be retained with their fins to ensure full usage of the shark.

Actually, finning shark is illegal, so the shark fin serviced in Sydney restaurant must be either imported or part of legal fishery. So there is nothing immoral about it, it's no different than eating ox tongue.
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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
Shark Fin is legal in Aus because the sharks we get over here have to be sold as a whole. You can't just take the fin and dump it.

In the International Plan of Action for Sharks, the FAO recommends that sharks not be killed for their fins alone and that where sharks are fished, that they be utilised for their entire carcass, not just their fins. In accordance with these recommendations, finning bans have been imposed in nearly all state and territory longline fisheries with the exception of the Northern Territory. In these states landing requirements dictate that when sharks are caught, either as target species or bycatch, their carcasses must be retained with their fins to ensure full usage of the shark.

Yes I've had shark fin before, it tastes like nothing. The tastes of shark fin is just whatever soup its drowned in.

WA is fucking retarded for culling sharks. What do you think sharks do? Of course they attack animals/people. They're an APEX PREDATOR. What the fuck do you expect it to do just chill? You also realize more people are killed by cows than shark in Australia right?

People aren't exactly on the menu for sharks are they. It's just when you're surfing in their territory they think you're a seal.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2012
Shark Fin is legal in Aus because the sharks we get over here have to be sold as a whole. You can't just take the fin and dump it.
So what's your problem then? I'm pay top dollar for the most expensive part of a fish cut from a whole. Morally and legally you've got nothing on me. Don't give a shit about your subjective opinion on what shark fin tastes like. I can eat whatever I want.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008

Don't be racist, white people are worse.
They killed it because they thought it was going to attack him, not for their own sick amusement you retard. And how I am racist and you aren't?


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013

Don't be racist, white people are worse.
They tried to tase the dog, it failed, the dog jumped and almost assaulted an officer. Yeah dog is gonna get shot.

Also, enjoy your sharkfin and be a basic bitch like the rest of China. I'm not even harping on about morals, I'm just saying it's such a waste of a life for something that doesn't have any taste of its own. I could try and empathise if shark fin actually had any real benefits, but has the same texture and tastes same as any gelatinous glass noodle. Why eat the fin not the rest of the shark?

edit: lol a chinese person talking about white people's treatment of dogs?

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