does anyone have tips for getting full marks in visual arts short answer? particularly 12 markers
yes. my art teacher has given us a ton of advice for it, including getting us a guest speaker for tips. first:
- work backwards from the essay
- identify during the reading time what kind of question it is. if question 3 is asking about 'audience', 'world' and 'artist', then you know it's a conceptual framework question. then, you would answer it based on the conceptual ideas of the work.
- for time management: work backwards after completing the essay: so you do question 3, then 2 then 1. that way, you're less likely to lose marks on the big questions.
- you're most likely going to get multiple plates for the question, so identify: what do these plates both broadly reveal, and how can you connect them?
- beyond just visual description 'red = anger', you need to be a lot more analytical than that. so, read the descriptions of the works -- title, size, year and medium all count for marks if you can relate it to the artist's choices
- look at marking criteria for past questions-- you'll see that a lot of the criteria are outside of the box. you don't need to hit all of them, but make sure you hit enough that the marker is aware that you're a knowledgeable and analytical student