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  • hey quick question, you're doing ancient history at Macquarie yess? because i was actually thinking of transferring into that next year but i was just a bit unsure so i wanted to ask someone for their own opinion!
    is it as good as you expected it to be, such as content, lectures, tutorials etc? also im a bit worried because i read somewhere they had budget cuts so some lectures were abandoned and i love lectures haha so that scares me! were any of your lectures cut?
    feel free to answer this whenever you have a spare minute! thank you!! :)
    thanks for the rep, also wowwww just saw your subjects, how are you not like curled up in a ball stressing and crying in your room!!! :O hahah you must have so much content overall!

    saw your post just then, which means you're online. :) do you know someone who can help me with mx1 right now?
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