play guitar with ed, jam with bri, go on band adventures, in bed by 12:00, home by 2:00
Academic Programme
Art, Chemistry, Biology, Music, Math, Advanced english
Educational Institution
St. Leos College
Political Views
Favourite Music
Without music, life is simply hollow. i dig: hendrix, led zeppelin, the who, otis redding, modern lovers, queen, cream, the greatful dead, band of gypsies, any JAZZ and any BLUES, albert king, b.b. king, robert johnson, tin solders, steppinwolf, the beatles, the monkeys, the beachboys, theatre blacks, joan baez, buddy guy, gene krupa, richie havens, nirvana, (will ad more)
Favourite TV Shows
spongebob, that 70's show...the healthy diet of television consumption
Favourite Movies
Pick of destiny, the Big lebowski,
Favourite Books
Odessey of Homer, Harry Potter, The zombie survival guide.....
Favourite Quote
Gonna put a spell on you, so that all your children will be born naked...