C C crazie456 Nov 3, 2013 hey you said you would send notes on as you like it.... just wondering if you still have them and if so could you send them to me??
hey you said you would send notes on as you like it.... just wondering if you still have them and if so could you send them to me??
J J jessietadros Dec 4, 2012 is it possible for you to send me your notes on as you like it?? if you still have them
C C crazychik Apr 23, 2009 hey is it possible for you to send me some of the notes on how 'as you like it' relates to the concept of belonging. thanks so much
hey is it possible for you to send me some of the notes on how 'as you like it' relates to the concept of belonging. thanks so much
J J jackie13 Apr 6, 2009 hey u said u had notes on how 'as u like it' relates to belonging. Is their any chance u could send them my way.. thanks
hey u said u had notes on how 'as u like it' relates to belonging. Is their any chance u could send them my way.. thanks