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  • lol nowai!
    it's never for old people =)

    omg, i loved it so much. but I must say, the first 30 episodes or so were my ultimate favourites and that was the part when i cried the most -.-
    Nein, Ich bin kein Deutsche. Ich bin vor 2 Jahren nach Deutschland gegangen, und ich habe dort f ür über 2 Montaten geleben, aber jeder da hat mit mir auf Englisch gesprochen, also war es nicht so hilfsbereit. Hast du auch ein Austausch gemacht?
    Ja, wir haben neulich "Risiko fur Weinachtsmanner" gelesen. Das war doch das Fremdste, und meiner Meinung nach war es auch das Beste.
    Was war dein Lieblingsgeschichte?
    Ja, ich habe "extension" bedeutet.
    Nein, ich kenne dich nicht wirklich. Ich meinte, dass ich dich in diesem Forum schon gesehen habe.
    Hallo. Ich denke, dass ich dich schon kenne. Du machst die Deutsche Leistungskurse auch, oder?
    :p Hey that is pretty anonymous compared to what happened that other time in that chatbox...Hahahahahahaha.

    viola! cool i used to play the violin, which is similar i expect. very pretty once you get the hang of it! how long have you been playing? singing is alot of fun, what sort of music do you sing?
    i guess i didn't really think about doing music, lol i should have. what sort of stuff do you do in the course? i've never really studied music, its kind of my time out lol.
    1/ Yes it is. I like the building, that's all :).
    2/ Oh right Maestro. I don't browse around the forums much though compared to BOS. I just like to ask questions and make long winded threads.
    3/ Anywhere in NSW or ACT, even UWS!
    4/ What about you for Med?
    nah i don't know any others atm
    i do believe they take the best 2 applicants - another of my friends also got 99.95 and didn't get offered med music (he got sci.med though)
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