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  • I think you'll find the real question is YouTube - Alice In Wonderland- Caterpillar (WHO ARE YOU ONLY)
    That I used xoxo. It's so incredibly perverse.

    I wouldn't consider myself someone who watches GG. But I have seen several episodes due to living in a house with 2 teenage girls. Try as you might, you can't escape it, nor the bieber or the gaga.
    rather, i'm walking in memphis YouTube - marc cohn walking in memphis (official music video) + lyrics

    though i have many identities ;)

    why are you a number? and have you ever thought that maybe using your student number isn't the smartest idea because someone could take it and use it for covert means. Though I suppose that's not a problem seeing as you graduated last year.
    but clarifying would undermine my belief that it shouldn't matter? How does that make sense in promoting myself as a continuous entity?
    do i give off an electrifying feminine presence then? :p

    I don't really mind either way. Though I do not believe you should judge someone on their gender, hence none specified.
    i thought you to be quite astute :p

    do i give off a manly vibe? Perhaps i should notch up the elvis references
    nope. actually wait a sec. we came third in 08, but were second for 18 years before that or something. my bad
    I had some hardcore intellectual snob value. Went to the second top school in the state (academically). Even the course I'm doing at uni is 'elitist' because there's only 70 of us doing it and the uai was something like 98.x instead of normal science or normal arts.

    (but i swear i'm not a snob!)
    08 :D

    btw, yes I do have religious affiliations. Anglican. Though I do not see how that is relevant to anything in particular
    My favourite Freudian theory, that of the Id, Ego and Super Ego, has not been debunked! (nor can it be proven but that's neither here nor there).

    I've actually changed my degree twice already, and intend to again. I shall eventually be in B Science/Arts instead of B Psychology, with Psychology as my science major and either English Literature/Gender Studies or Modern European History as my arts major.

    (I'm not at all as pretentious as my comments in the usyd snobbery thread would suggest btw) :p
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