Our school is ranked 63.
Accelerated SOR I for our school is offered as a course to the top 25 performing students at English in the Year 10 cohort. These 25 are able to complete the HSC SOR I course in Year 11 and sit the HSC one year earlier. The accelerated HSC SOR I course had a lot of success with accelerated Year 10/11 students; all (100%) of the students in the accelerated class scored a band 6 in 2011, which the best record yet.
The best way for it to run in your school would be to ask the principal or whoever is in charge to offer it to the top performing English students. The more people willing to do it, the better the chance. But this is a big step for the school to take... still try to influence them and hopefully there will be a class running.
PS: I go to a Catholic school, therefore it's compulsory for me to do it anyway. And also, Studies of Religion II isn't offered at our school!