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  1. RCOM_2159910

    FREE year 11 & 12 class notes, summaries and assessment tasks

    can u send me PDHPE, english and math notes plz?
  2. RCOM_2159910

    What should I choose?

    ^^ those three questions should be applied when deciding subjects that could influence future senior subjects. I do business studies rn and it is really content heavy but it is also good to have this type of knowledge if you feel/think you are doing into that type of industry after school...
  3. RCOM_2159910

    year 10 work experience in law in NSW

    hey. work experience within the legal field is actually quite difficult to get but try google options and email a few places. If you got family friend within the legal industry ask your parents/guardin to ask for you. If they don't get back to you or reject, then go somewhere simple like at a...