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  1. Sam Rowan

    The difference between Adv.Eng and Ext.1

    That’s what I mean. I’m taking English Advanced in the hopes of going into Ext1 in Year 12, however it is easier to pick Ext.1 in Year 10- but my school doesn’t allow that.
  2. Sam Rowan

    The difference between Adv.Eng and Ext.1

    Currently taking Adv. Eng with the hopes of getting into Ext.1 for Year 12, if I can prove myself. Is the jump dramatic? Yes, I would be taking Ext before hand because dropping down is easier than going up, but my school doesn’t offer Ext right off the bat because EALD is the biggest English class
  3. Sam Rowan

    hear me out: mycenaean greece.

    hear me out: mycenaean greece.