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  1. S


    Does anyone know whats happening for Fenner O week? Has a program been published?
  2. S


    Hi - I see there are no threads for people going to Fenner, or any info about it. Who else is going? Whats it like - is it very social, what kind of people stay there, is it very cut off from the on-campus colleges. It wasnt my first choice (that was Burgmann), so i'm pretty apprehensive. What...
  3. S

    Need Help Choosing a Laptop for Uni

    Hi guys! This is my first post and I hope the question i'm asking doesnt sound too dumb. I've just bought a Macbook to replace my old, trusty Dell, but cant log on because I keep getting asked for a password. Probably the password I used on my old laptop - but I cant remember it! I've tried all...