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    Psychology in WA

    ok well im staying away from ECU. that kind of reputation is exactly what i wanted to find out about, thanks. by the way i discovered that the double major at UWA can be done through a b science too (not just b arts). so that's another option. thanks a million danielvh and babikakez!
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    Dentistry at UWA

    To get AN INTERVIEW for dentistry, do they take into account your uai/gpa or is it solely a cut-off umat score? if so, does anyone know the cut-off? is it roughly the same as the medicine cut off which i am led to believe is 185ish? Thanks, Jared
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    Psychology in WA

    Hi, I live in Sydney but am applying to study psych in WA (gotta get out of the rat race). In Sydney I know that Macquarie is one of the top universities regarding psych even though you need a higher uai to get into usyd or unsw. However, in Wa, I have no idea whether Murdoch, ECU, Curtin or...
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    lowest UAI for med at uws

    ok cheers thanks wooz
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    lowest UAI for med at uws

    Kloudsurfer, Assuming you are correct in saying that UAI is simply a cut off (and hurdle) can the same be said for those entering with GPAs? For example, Is it possible that a higher GPA (for example 6.2 or 6.5) would assist the admission process, or is it SOLELY umat and interview...
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    Admission to Undergraduate MBBS based on GPA

    Is it possible that a higher GPA (for example 6.2 or 6.5) would assist the admission process, or is it SOLELY umat and interview scores after having made the cut-off? Thanks, jared
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    Admission to Undergraduate MBBS based on GPA

    As far as i understand, the normal school leavers will have to reach a UAI cut off to be eligible for admission into med. Then, it is based upon UMAT and interview scores respectively. I have completed 2 years of a bachelors degree. For persons such as myself who have completed tertiary...