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  1. nurdalurt

    Student ID Photo

    I swear the lady who took the photo was thinking "her face isn't long enough, lemme just stretch it out a bit more" ...I hate id cards :vcross:
  2. nurdalurt

    UNSW 2010 Rollcall

    bioinformatics / m biomed engineering @ unsw yay! :) any of my kin out there?
  3. nurdalurt

    Who is going to UNSW?

    thanks u guys. makes decision making slightly easier :spzz:
  4. nurdalurt

    Who is going to UNSW?

    hmmm.... sounds good. but something with science too...
  5. nurdalurt

    Who is going to UNSW?

    which ones are there? the only ones i can find are the biomedical engineering and bioinfmatics and i'm not even sure its a double!! i wanna do something arts and science too.... ARGHHH!!!!!!!! CONFUSION REIGNING MY BRAIN!!!!!
  6. nurdalurt

    Who is going to UNSW?

    wow. lots of engineering hopefuls for unsw. i'm probably going to do the bscience(adv)/arts, beng(infor,soft)/biomed or civil eng and architecture. i am so confused. any help on matter would be appreciated :)
  7. nurdalurt

    PIP - 'Japan vs western culture' open discussion

    How long have you been recycling this idea for? Time to get a new approach.
  8. nurdalurt

    Society Help...

    lyounamu. dude. why would you put the rickrolled thing on there. its funny but also annoying - just some advice :)
  9. nurdalurt

    Who's a POSTMODERNIST? Hand up!!

    I'm arguing with my teacher about the whole modernist vs. postmodernist debate. I throw White at her and she throws back Elton. Need some fresh arguments. HELP PLEASE :argue: :D
  10. nurdalurt

    Pip, Good subject or not

    another problem with this might be the ethical dilema. -may-cat- is right. they are illegal for a reason. but the whole nature vs nurture debate is still alive and well. it just depends on your spin on it.
  11. nurdalurt

    Cross-Cultural Component

    Hey. If you are not Muslim then that is your cross cultural. The cross cultural component is basically doing a perspective different from your own i.e the 'other'. I think finding primary research on american muslims would be hard. You could look at different Muslim nationalities and their...
  12. nurdalurt

    PIP - 'Japan vs western culture' open discussion

    From what I know, Japan was somewhat westernised when Britain helped them during the Japan-Russian war of 1905. They developed their technologies and things like that from Britain and that is why they won the war against Russia. So they are not completely separate from one another. I assume you...
  13. nurdalurt

    Blade Runner - Advanced English

    Hallelujah! Someone with common sense! :)
  14. nurdalurt


  15. nurdalurt

    whats everyone doing for their major works?

    huh. hasn't clicked for me yet... :) ;)
  16. nurdalurt

    are you at macarthur? huh...

    are you at macarthur? huh...
  17. nurdalurt

    whats everyone doing for their major works?

    i'm looking at c.e.w bean and his official histories, the methodologies he used and if they are still valid even though he wasn't technically a historian. seeing how historiography has evolved over time. hoping to discredit him but thats aiming a bit far... worth a try though :)
  18. nurdalurt

    Consendation Polymerisation

    Does anyone know which condensation polymers we are required to study other than cellulose? I've done PET and nylon but there's also some stuff on Kevlar and polyester. any ideas?:(