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    Post-election secession pleas hit White House

    When the next civil war occurs, it will not be regional like the last one. It will be man vs. state. In the instance of Texas, it will be the people vs. the federal government, while in places like Indiana and Kentucky (where the state governments walk hand-in-hand with the feds and will...
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    Post-election secession pleas hit White House

    What are your thoughts on this? Any idea on how successful this will be?
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    Does Keynesian economics works?

    Our impending surplus seems to say yes. What do you think?
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    Political Compass - Find out what you really are...

    ashamed socialist criminal is ashamed
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    Recommend me some good libertarianism books

    the rise and decline of western liberalism by anthony arblaster is an excellent book imo
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    The Crises of Capitalism

    For 99% of us 'commoners' wages are the only source levied against spending and borrowing, so the Harvey's video holds true. Rental incomes are a source of income for landlords paid by tenants who are paid a wage or the welfare state funded through taxation of people's wages. Labour rates are...
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    Carbon Pricing

    ??? what? can taxes be ultimately be passed on from the producer to the consumer? The cost of production does not dictate the prices.
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    Katter's Australian Party

    Yeah I own Human Action. Never got round to reading the whole thing, but Ill be sure to give this chapter a read thanks
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    Katter's Australian Party

    just like the "free market" isn't a real thing
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    Katter's Australian Party

    sorry I don't understand how workers being able have control over the means of production results in what you say happening
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    Katter's Australian Party

    Just out of curiosity, why shouldn't the means of production be owned communally?
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    Katter's Australian Party

    Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't true communism entail a stateless society?
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    Zeitgeist: Moving forward | official release | 2011

    I am not criticizing this alleged but seemingly never existent free market, I am criticizing the plethora of inefficiencies that are laced into capitalism. It seems to me we are both trying to bring back the free market, that way you can live in your little town where everyone has to buy all of...
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    Zeitgeist: Moving forward | official release | 2011

    seen it. not impressed. You fail to see that we have a system where the means of production are not controlled or owned by those who work them, one where sustainability is not profitable enough to consider, where 15 million children needlessly starve to death every year, where we are at...
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    Zeitgeist: Moving forward | official release | 2011

    Just finished watching it twice. Brainfood at its finest and i feel that this will address every issue brought forth by you libertarians.
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    This is what class war looks like!!!

    WRONG!!! Money spent on programs is spent primarily on wages. And the wages go to pay for things supplied by businesses - so that's how you keep the economy going. Witness how Australia has avoided the impact of the so-called 'Worldwide recession' through PUBLIC SPENDING programs. Keynes was...
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    This is what class war looks like!!!

    Karl Marx's theories were notable primarily for (1) nationalisation of the means of production, distribution and exchange, and (2) what he called 'dictatorship of the proletariat'. I haven't seen Leron arguing for either of these, so I can only assume you don't know what Marxism means, and are...
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    Legalize Gay Marriage

    while i agree that this gay marriage issue is one of miniscule significance, i still feel that faggots and dykes should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want
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    Legalize Gay Marriage

    why do heterosexuals want it? if they can't answer that, lets abolish this ridiculous institution altogether i doubt i can even answer it myself
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    This is what class war looks like!!!

    sylvesterbr/rothbard/ etc etc one of the reason our debates never go anywhere is because most of your economic views are so 18th century. You're like President Obama, his answer to the recent financial crisis is to hire the same free market capitalists who caused it in the first place...