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    Class rankings? Did yout take them into account? I was averaging 73 in my assessment marks, but I'm in ranked in the middle of most of my classes, so my UAI was pulled down to a 62.

    Songs you CANNOT stop listening to

    When We Were Kids - The Galvatrons. Seriously have no idea why. Although the lead singer's voice really intrigues me, becasue I think its insane. Also, Hot n Cold - Katy Perry. Freakin awesome song. And Vitriol - Bluejuice. Same as above.

    Australia (2008)

    What is this movie even about? I saw the previews and trailers that kept getting played during the premiere hype on TV, but it seriously just looks like a mega-long ad for tourism. I'm not even going to bother with it. I was hardly "anticipating its release" anyway.

    Movie Quote Game

    The Princess Bride. I'm pretty sure. "The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of."

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    There was a film called 'Valentine' on the other night. Deserves a mention. As does the remake of 'Carrie'. Although to be fair I haven't seen the original.

    Alice In Wonderland (2010)

    That will not be cool. Although I can see how its needed. The 1970's version wasn't great because it lacked those effects.

    The Office

    U.K I just can't get used to the U.S version.

    Gendered Language

    The essay question was good. I usually hate them. But I had a planned narrative that was so far off the stimulus. I really struggled to mould it. It was terrible.

    Gendered Language

    Where are you kids hiding? How did you find it? How did you find the stimulus picture? It made me swear.
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    Music 1 Aural

    I heard something. It sounded like some sort of percussive tick. It was really quick and I thought it might have been another instrument, but I just decided it was the CD player. I wasn't paying enough attention to it to hear it again.
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    Music 1 Aural

    :confused: No idea. I associate themes with film and literature and such, and I just kept picturing paddocks and trees and that scene from the Sound of Music when the captain and Maria are dancing in the courtyard. Didn't help me one bit.
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    Music 1 Aural

    The music exams are always good. This was the least of my worries in relation to the HSC. I really liked question 4. I found it the dead easiest to answer, although like everyone else has mentioned, I doubt I crammed in everything I could have. Question 3...the one where you had to comment...
  13. GET FREE

    Please share your wise knowledge EE2 '08ers!

    Just do it and have fun. For your own benefit, be organised. But apart from that, there's really not too much to worry about. In relation to the major work, take your time with it. The obvious stuff: read through it frequently. Let other people view/hear/read it and get their view on it...
  14. GET FREE

    General Thoughts - Biology

    I felt good about this one. I finished about 20 minutes early, and that was after thoroughly checking through all my answers. I think I got a fair few wrong in multiple choice, but I felt mostly good about everything else. Slight hiccup with the last section. I was supposed to do...
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    MUSLIM uncle burns 11 year old neice for wearing lipstick

    That's a bit general. Not all religious people choose to completely disregard other religions. I know many who are eager to learn about other beliefs. You also misused the term 'atheism'. People who refuse to believe in other dieties still believe in their own.
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    Movie Quote Game

    Girl, Interrupted. "The Plan: 8,000 kilometres in four months The Method: Improvisation The Goal: to explore a continent we had only known in books"
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    Bogan Pride - SBS Monday Nights

    I'd like it more without the singing. It's also not as bogan as I thought it would be. But I don't really know how they could increase that.
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    Those little things...

    What happened there? lol at the guy who had to have his afro checked. And the thing about supervisors hovering around intimidates me too. I guess its not as bad as this one exam I had in year 10 or something, and the supervising teacher spent the whole time on her laptop. It was basically...
  19. GET FREE

    Those little things...

    I've never considered paper for that. I've only ever used erasers. I'll think about it if I end up with the same desk. Although I did sort of breifly consider myself a right little soldier for dealing with it. And when I say breifly, I mean it was gone before I could even ponder on it.
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    Those little things...

    Really insignificant in relation to the actual exam, but the things around the exam. 1) My desk was wobbly. But not so wobbly that I could stick an eraser underneath one of the legs to stop it. It just wiggled everytime I wrote something. 2) The guy sitting next to me was cracking his...