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  1. suika

    What are the rights of students?

    True. But it doesn't really have to be money wise.
  2. suika

    What are the rights of students?

    It actually is because the school is/may be aiming to: 1) get a better average mark 2) improving their academic image 3) if all those things above work, then overall improve the image of the executives at the school aka the principal Simply they are just doing bad things to gain personal...
  3. suika

    MQ Chatter Thread

  4. suika

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Me in my first week :( Managed to pinpoint the main areas I need to go - still heaps of exploring to do T___T
  5. suika

    Need help on balancing chemical equations

    Not wise. At least spend a minute on it. You don't know how long it'll take you to complete other sections (such as those wonderful 6 mark questions about the environment) + you're risking the chances of losing a mark.
  6. suika

    Full Classes

    Not sure how the assessments for the online lecture would work but I'd assume you'd be in the same room as the iLecture kids and do your assessment there? (I'm sure they will explain how it'll work). Also most assessments are in tutorials but there are some that require a large scale of people...
  7. suika

    Recommend ISYS100 as a planet unit guys!

    WOW I'M IN Lol jks. I'm actually planning on doing it next semester since I haven't heard much about the other planet units and it seems interesting by the sounds of past students :)
  8. suika

    What do you do in your exam reading time?

    Depends on the subject, but from my experience: - English/Humanities: if there's a multiple choice section - start reading & answering the questions in your head (gives you more time for other sections). If not/struggle with essays - look at your essay questions, work out which one to answer...
  9. suika

    should i drop maths?

    I've seen people jump from getting 30% to 70-80% throughout the whole HSC year. If really want to do well in the subject and intend on pursing any education that requires this level of maths then keep it, otherwise drop it (however there are various bridging courses available). At the end of...
  10. suika

    MQ Chatter Thread

    I'm beat. Three days of walking around trying to get as much free stuff as possible as well as familiarising myself the campus and my legs are so dead. I became such a potato over the holidays :( O-Week has been really fun anyways, but now I have a bunch of homework to do (or independent...
  11. suika

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Nice job!
  12. suika

    Maxwell's Legal Studies and Business Studies Raw Marks

    1+ I made about most of mine up anyways and managed to get a decent mark. Nice results btw :)
  13. suika

    The Anime Thread

    I got bored with the current anime I've been watching so I've decided to go exploring A Kite - A 1998 movie about an assassin, orphan and high school girl who is controlled by cops to assassinate criminals and give the cops their sexual desires (7/10) Koi Kaze - a 13 episode TV series...
  14. suika

    Mathematics Question

    Yes. This time last year 3/4 of my class were doing bad (getting band 3 and less). We all managed to pick up our slack and study hard once our trials were over. Everyone in my class got above band 5 - half of us got band 6. So never give up - focus on yourself and also help your class out...
  15. suika

    How to organize studying

    Firstly you should identify when you have free time - so create a 7 day timetable template (or steal one lmao) and then colour in the time slots you are NOT free (i.e. school, work, tutor, extracurricular - this also includes travel times, eating, sleeping, etc. It's best to colour code this so...
  16. suika

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Same [emoji6] I'm at uni on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday but I feel like meeting during O-Week would be a bit hard unless we go meet at the shops? (I got no idea sorry ;;;; ).
  17. suika

    MQ Roll Call 2015

    Oh my bad, I misread lol. On the other hand I'm probably not going to the welcoming party :P
  18. suika

    MQ Roll Call 2015

    Isn't entry into Ubar 18+?
  19. suika

    Security cameras and high schools

    I love how every school mentioned is located in the west. My high school had the cameras and I remember they installed them just to stop us 'trespassing' (we were connected to another school and we weren't allowed to use their facilities but they were lmao). Oh yeah, we had a keying incident...
  20. suika

    Is it ok to skip academic orientation?

    /hugs Don't worry about missing out. Any information you've missed out on you can ask others for it. I wasn't looking forward to going only because I was didn't know anyone but once we got into our groups (and they were tiny groups) I had fun socialising (well they made us socialise ahah)...