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    The dubliners/Seamus Heaney

    Seamus Heaney was on the HSC Extension 1 list for "Retreat from the Global" 2004-2008. I know that doesn't necessarily help with the comparative study, but there are lots of good analyses of his specific prescribed poems from that earlier time.
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    help! How many themes/ arguments should you have for intertextual connections essay?

    Re: help! How many themes/ arguments should you have for intertextual connections ess In 40 minutes in the HSC you probably only have enough time to write fully on 2 major ideas. Often the idea (like the pursuit of power or the importance of integrity) is given in the question. Then you would...
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    Are these good related texts for the Shoe Horn Sonata?

    The important thing to remember for the related texts is that you want to show the markers how well you understand the ideas about distinctively visual, such as how images help to make the meaning that the composer wants to reveal and how effective those images are...
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    Difficulty drawing parallels between Shakespeare and related text

    Sorry -I don't know this documentary, but I just wanted to mention that your focus is not so much on the conflicting perspective itself (although that's obviously got to be identified), but on how it is represented. You have written, above, "Raschella's audience comes away wholeheardedly...
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    Please don't get too worried about this, but, if you can, try to integrate your discussion based on an idea rather than on the texts. For example, say that the question is, "Belonging to a group can bring both challenges and rewards". To what extent is this your view based on your prescribed...
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    Song as a Related Text?

    Have to add my 2 cents worth as an experienced HSC marker! I don't know where all these rumours are coming from about using particular texts, especially the idea that they/we are prejudiced regarding picture books and songs. It is just not true! Having a thoughtful thesis that links strongly to...
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    Does any one have any MODULE C – GLOBAL VILLAGE essay examples?

    This site-Bored of Studies- has some great notes and essay samples under the "Resources" section. Just click on resources, then Standard English and scroll down until you get to the Module C section. There are also some commercial texts-the Board of Studies prints copies of high ranging...
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    Very Important Q about Relateds

    I agree with the comments above. I've marked the HSC for many years and HONESTLY it is what you do with the texts which is important. How well can you use your related text(s) to argue your case/give support to your thesis? The possible disadvantage to utilising more than one related text is...
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    Related text for conflicting perspectives, snow falling on cedars.

    Sorry, I don't know the new X men movie, so I can't comment. Maybe you know all this, but the "representation" part for this module is really important. It basically asks...
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    Peter skrzynecki + related text

    These are not particularly original, but many films directed by Tim Burton, such as Edward Scissorhands examine the plight of the outsider. Remember, you are not necessarily looking for connections regarding similar issues, like migrant isolation, but aspects of the syllabus for the Area of...
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    Distinctively Visual - Shoe Horn Sonata related texts (2011)

    Just to add, since this has had so many people looking, texts which look at the brutality of conflict, such as Nuremberg, Gallipoli, Beneath Hill 60, Kokoda, companionship/support/loyalty in hostile/difficult situations such as Matrix, Midnight Cowboy, About a Boy; the dishonesty of...
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    Journey Rubric

    Journeys was the Area of Study on the HSC from 2004-2008, so there is a great deal of material already on the net. This web site has some terrific resources from others during those years. The Area of Study page for Journeys can still be found in the English syllabus section on the Board of...
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    Which skrzynecki poem with the China coin?

    I would definitely advise you looking carefully and being able to discuss both poems for Skrzynecki and the belonging question. This is because only preparing one leaves you with a problem if the question does not suit that poem. Both of the poems have really clear links to "The China Coin"...
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    Related text please

    Remember, the distinctive voice doesn't have to be the SAME kind of voice used by either Claudia or Harry (or the author), but it could be. Those who do use distinctive voices relating to crime that come to mind are Nick Cave with his very creepy "Murder Ballads", Raymond Chandler/Howard Hawks...
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    The life and crimes of harry lavender HELP Needed ASAP

    There is a synopsis of the plot of this novel on the
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    disctinctively visual- henry laswon shorrt stories

    Just a quick note to say that the texts you choose don't have to relate DIRECTLY to Henry Lawson's stories. The questions for this module want you to show how distinctive (special) images are used to demonstrate particular experiences or to interest responders. So, in the stories you are...
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    HELP - Blade Runner & Frankenstein Essay

    Module A is called Comparative Study of Texts AND CONTEXTS, so writing about the times in which the composers lived is an important part of the topic. In Advanced English, the VALUES of the composers and their societies are also significant. O.K. I think that this question is asking you to look...
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    Related Texts needed for Henry Lawson short stories. Please help!

    Most of the questions for Distinctively Visual are about the ways in which composers take us to other worlds/new experiences or challenge us/develop our thinking about experiences using distinctively visual techniques. The related texts you choose do not have to be about the same...
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    History & Memory: Fiftieth Gate Additional Texts!

    Finding your own related texts is really important so that you're bringing your own ideas to the response. The texts need to be about the interplay of history and memory and don't have to be about the holocaust or the second world war. One area that is useful is a documentary-maybe soldiers...
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    Assessment Task Help

    I think that you're looking at speeches for Module B-Critical Study of Text. I'd start with some kind of statement that links your 2 speeches with the topic given-e.g."The most effective speeches are those that appeal to their audiences, both in the ideas they provide and in the passion with...