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  1. justxlouise

    HSC Timetable 2010

    DITTO ! I hate my timetable WEEK ONE 14/10- business studies 15- english AOS, IPT WEEK TWO 18- english paper2 19- hospitality 20- PE, modern history 21- general maths, SDD 22- ancient, society&culture WEEK THREE 25- MX2, german continuers, maths 26- music1, jap continuers 27-...
  2. justxlouise

    Schools In The Bankstown Area

    ^ lol ? Since when did our pd teachers teach 'computer classes' ? Never heard of that one .
  3. justxlouise

    Schools In The Bankstown Area

    ^ LOL wtf, homos .
  4. justxlouise

    Schools In The Bankstown Area

    Haha and I'm entitled to say whatever I want as well ;) Hundreds of people? Haha, do you know all these 'hundreds of people'? Quite exaggerated. 'Everyone says it's a good school' -- I'm not part of the everyone therefore you can't use the term 'everyone'. Haha if it's shit in terms of...
  5. justxlouise

    School certificate exams

    Let the guy be, he doesn't want to be shamed . lol Not like his peers would give a damn
  6. justxlouise

    School certificate exams

    Have you seen the past papers for sc ? They are so damn simple. I'm not saying I'd get 100% but you don't need to study so much for them SC is a joke .
  7. justxlouise

    St George Girls High enrolments

    I'd like you prove you wrong. I got below 80% got maths and yet Fearnside still let me do physics, chem AND biology :) . Oh and also, I did NOT get 90% for science either ;) Oh wait .. do you mean 80/140 or 80% for maths ?
  8. justxlouise

    General Maths/Mathematics

    General maths is basically year9 and 10 all over again, that's how simple it is. The scaling or whatever gets capped at 90 so it's not that good. Do 2u maths instead or something if you've been topping it. Even better, why don't you do maths extension 1? haha
  9. justxlouise

    Is French Beginners a good course to select?

    Haha I was talking to my friend one day and this is how it went: Me: maybe i should do french .. Him: yeah, do french .. it scales good Me: french beginners .. Him: NOO !!!! french beginners scales so shit When I did French 2 years ago, it was sooo easy
  10. justxlouise

    Falling asleep in class

    I don't really fall asleep, more like I'm about to. Usually happens during Commerce since my teacher talks a lot and the work is boring.
  11. justxlouise

    Can the school stop you from doing a preliminary/hsc course?

    And I believe you are talking about English. It's not because you were graded a C for English, but mainly due to your rank. The cut off rank is 72 since they have 3 classes of 24 students. Even if the school really is stopping us, that's because they don't recommend us to do it. If you really...
  12. justxlouise

    which scales better?

    Obviously Economics
  13. justxlouise

    Schools In The Bankstown Area

    ^ Did you do a survey in order to find out whether many people think Sefton is a good school? Stop bagging Sefton out Angela. If you hate it so much then why did you come in the first place? Sefton can't be the best of the state, but hey, blame yourself for doing so shit.
  14. justxlouise

    James Ruse are cheaters and the BOS do not care.

    Why exactly would the be cheaters? They learn things ahead of others maybe because the students understand the concept faster than others, no? I'd say all of the JRAHS students need to find private tutors just because they have already learnt the things people learn at tutors. Is it cheating if...
  15. justxlouise

    The Petrov Affair?

    bored of sc, you're pretty wrong . petrov defected from the soviet union to australia (: mrs petrov asked for a political asylum when the two soviet guys tried to drag her back to the soviet union
  16. justxlouise

    choosing subjects for Year 11

    Do subjects you enjoy and are good at. It's pointless doing a subject you dislike and don't do well in. Besides, it doesn't matter if the subject does not relate to the career path you have in mind. When you start uni, you start anew
  17. justxlouise

    Macbeth: the play/do you like it/extended response questions

    LOL . OMG . WHO ARE YOU ?! I go to Sefton, in the same grade as you TT" Anyways . Extended response is an essay (: That is all I know ..