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  1. N

    What do people think will be the essay questions for economics?

    But then again...doesn't that point every reason as to why it might be in our paper this year, considering the difficult and specific nature of other 09 papers? BUsiness studies specified the most minute sections within the syllabus with minimal content. And we all know about religion. Don't...
  2. N

    Are You Ready For The HSC Business Studies exam?

    Re: 2009 HSC Business Studies Exam!!! are you ready? But if you know the HEADINGS you can bullshit from there.
  3. N

    Can someone please help?

    I don't know whether i should a) drop 3 unit maths b) keep it but dont work for it c) keep it and study At the moment....i am realistically getting around these kind of marks in the hsc Eng A internal 88% rank 10....should get about 91 Eng ext 1 internal 43/50 rank...
  4. N

    What Did People Think Of CSSA Business exam ?

    Promise you that any question asks for gearing ratio its total debt over total equity. I got 134.7%, or 135%. That's the answer, which was slightly over double the industry average meaning its highly geared and in a dangerous position with regards to debt repayments. if the industry average is...
  5. N

    What is a fiscal consolidation strategy?

    It's a part of fiscal strategy. In the 90s, the Aussie Govt. used to use it in order to pursue external balance because it had the ability to raise national savings which is demonstrated in the relationship I = S + KAS It's really not that important, just a method of fiscal policy which used...
  6. N

    2009 Trial HSC Exams Discussion

    Re: Trial hsc How do you all have the motivation to study? I fucking can't, and when i finally do sit down and get my books out i don't even know how. I just type notes and that does fuck all for me and its too tedious to just memorise notes for subjects like ecos. Anyone got any suggestions...
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    Navigating the Global...short film

    I know what you mean... at this stage of the year i still don't have any related texts
  8. N

    Urgently need one off maths lesson

    ATTENTION MATHS TUTORS I missed a week of school and missed out on Simple Harmonic Motion and a couple of other things in ext 1 maths. I can't really progress as i haven't learnt it so am in dire need of a lesson TOMORROW IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. I can drive out to you so i don't care where you...
  9. N

    Schoolies by yourself

    Shut the fuck down. Anyone on this who has finished their HSC honestly has no friends, no life no nothing end of. Except for like admin obviously
  10. N

    plans for this 'holidays'!

    Planning to do an hour of maths each day and reading cloudstreet as the minimum but realistically lieing around procrastinating for not going to the gym and doing any work.
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    The "I didn't go well in my half yearlies" Thread

    No. There is no way you can obtain your UAI of have well and truly fucked up your HSC. Stop looking for some comfort.
  12. N

    The content of the course

    yeah that' what i've been thinking it sounds as though the authors of the books just try to express themselves differently thanks for the tip ive got some notes off a guy last year who got 49/50 for sor1 so ill probably turn to them throughout the year
  13. N

    The content of the course

    Ok i have been making a few notes on Aboriginal sprituality. And i have been using 3 books, Living Religion, photocopy of Spotlight and the macquarie text. I have read through it all and am certain that the content is different in all. It doesn't disagree with other stuff, but merely says...
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    Re: TSFX Head Start Program The guy was genuine. No bull shit and to the point about what we need to do. That woman was so painful it was insane. and that was funny
  15. N

    NTG Heaney Poetry

    I am in dire need of some understanding of ANYTHING of these poems in relation to this bullshit topic. if anyone could pm me some notes or info it would be greatly appreciated and def wont go un noticed if you need anything in return
  16. N

    The Simple Gift

    i'm also doing the Simple Gift and quite personally I would have rathered my school choose a different set text as this seems far too overly-simplified which i think makes it much more harder to break down to the nitty gritty bullshit we talk about in this stupid subject
  17. N

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    I'm well fucked. I am 170% dropping French Continuers, but Economics is so shit and its like a different language. I currently do 13. So i'd have to pick up 4 maths or 4 english which I'm not doing!!!
  18. N

    Can I still get a UAI of 93???

    Put simply, its very likely if you get a band 5 in all subjects you will get 90+
  19. N

    Can year 11 things be tested in HSC?

    a good mate of mine said do the work in year 11, year 12 is basically a repeat in a little more depth
  20. N

    Work in holidays

    i have a cunt of an economics assignment to do/study for the in-class essay whch is all on gov. budget which is a right CUNT don't know, i just can't bring myself to do it one day...