Search results

  1. symple

    Thoughts on offer for Master of Professional Accounting at UTS?

    Hey guys, wondering if there's anyone still around (looks pretty quiet here) who can give me a quick summary or rambling sequence of thoughts on studying accounting at UTS, studying at UTS in general, and the Master of Accounting programme in particular. I applied on a whim through the UTS...
  2. symple

    Unit of Study Results [Sem 1 2012]

    Aw no, I'm sorry, I must of come off as pretty angsty, I actually felt a bit insecure with this hot blonde Finnish chick doing all the same classes as me >_> I didn't mean to imply anything about you personally :( Cleared up now though! I would probably recognise the guy who did those 3...
  3. symple

    Unit of Study Results [Sem 1 2012]

    The particular combination of those 3 philosophy subjects was shared by two people. One of them was this amazing Finnish exchange student girl who I sat next to in classes (or it could have been swedish.. not sure.. one of those countries anyway), the other one was MEE (sorry to disappoint you...
  4. symple

    Unit of Study Results [Sem 1 2012]

    Philosophy results out!! HPSC 3023 Psychology & Psychiatry: History & Philosophy - 63.0 Pass Blargh got 52 for essay, so must have got 75ish on the exam. Not bad. PHIL 2619 Philosophy of Mathematics - 73.0 Credit Yay :) PHIL 2627 Philosophy and Psychiatry - 78.0 Distinction WOOHOO :D PHIL...
  5. symple

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09) ***PHIL 2610 Exploring Nonclassical Logic (Smith) Ease: 3/10. MUCH more difficult than Introductory Logic. No friendly weekly exercises. Assessments seemed pretty indifferent - 2x 50% assignments, no feedback, just raw marks. No scope for improvement...
  6. symple

    semester 1 results

    Philosophy results out!! 69 credit for nonclassical logic. WOOOOOOO thought that was a pass for sure, musta scaled it up heaps.
  7. symple

    semester 1 results

    No philosophy or HPSC results back yet. Grr HPSC... the first 2 essays were marked within 4 days. The last essay (and final assignment), still haven't got marks back after 3-4 weeks. Siiigh. Maybe they dont' want us to know our raw marks 'cos then we'd know the exact scalage? =/
  8. symple

    2011 Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2011) me me pick me
  9. symple

    Philosophy/History majors

    Philosophy: Pretty good, there is *usually* a very high quality of lecturers / tutors. Tutes tend to be on the large size, but there are plenty of slackers and ppl who are too shy to say things, so it's still easy enough to distinguish yourself. The essay/exam asessment system is great if you...
  10. symple

    WebCT unit websites.

    It won't let me log on, it keeps saying I have entered an incorrect username or password. What is going on? :( EDIT: It seems they have upgraded the password requirements again, so I just needed to update it. Easily fixed. No subjects up yet.
  11. symple

    Semester 1 2010 Results & Predictions

    Philosophy results just came in at 7pm. Woohoo! PHIL 2600 20th Century Philosophy: 80.0 Distinction PHIL 2606 Knowledge, Reason and Action: 70.0 Credit Bit disappointed with PHIL 2606, oh well, was a VERY last-minute essay. Shame about the 30.0 in ENGL 2650, otherwise I'd've had a pretty good...
  12. symple

    Semester 1 2010 Results & Predictions

    MUSC 1530 Fundamentals of Music I: HD 98.0 La la la. Don't clap, throw money :-)
  13. symple

    MUSC1503 help me out if know about this course

    Re: MUSC1503 help me out if you know about this course Aw man. DON'T tell the lecturer (Hindson), he'll go spare. Clefs, good. Scales, cadences, good. What about intervals and triads? You'll get a lot of practice in tutes though, so yeah, you've got a good advantage already. :-) However: Can...
  14. symple

    Semester 1 2010 Results & Predictions

    My predictions: PHIL 2600 20th Century Philosophy: D PHIL 2006 Knowledge, Reason & Action: D MUSC 1503 Fundamentals Music I: HD ENGL 2650 Reading Poetry: F (est. 30, if they give a mark, which I don't know that they do)
  15. symple

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09) Lol no, you wouldn't have known he was an internationally-important-VIP at all (I mean that in a GOOD way!). I can see how some lecturers in that sort of field would go on and on about their own stuff, but he was great. =) To keep this from being...
  16. symple

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09) MUSC 1503 Fundamentals of Music I. Ease: 9/10 Assessments are weekly online quizzes, two aural tests (LOTS of in-class practice is given), 1 written exam, 1 composition, 1 chordal analysis assignment. It's a lot of work, but each individual task is...
  17. symple

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    ENGL 2650 Reading Poetry. Lols I so nearly did 3rd yr Arts / Ed like you jayadore, think I'm well out of that. I would have majored in English, can you imagine??? *shudders* Haha that's sweet of you, I know I failed because I handed in a blank paper. Don't know why I even went to the exam...
  18. symple

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Don't ever let me take an english subject ever again. Shoot me if you have to. Just failed my 4th 2000-level subject. NEVER AGAIN. I prefer subjects where they test you on the lecture content, as opposed to your "depth and breadth of reading". I also prefer subjects where they have WebCT. Some...
  19. symple

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09) PHIL 2600 20th Century Philosophy Ease: 7/10 1 essay, on Ayer's book Language, Truth and Logic. Great book, sadly also, very wrong, which is even more fun. No research, just re-explain Ayer's ideas. (EDIT: It's a *small* book, and it's very...
  20. symple

    PHIL1012 vs PHIL2642

    Would you recommend doing both in the same semester? I am considering this :-)