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  1. Shadoww

    Israel deliberately attacked UN compounds

    I love Israel. Although I'm not jewish... On a side note, what is with these ad's? It seems like every time i enter a middle eastern thread i get ads about muslim singles and now learning arabic. Shoukran sir!
  2. Shadoww

    Hindu girl marries a dog?!

    "Thoes" people may be hindu, doesn't make it a Hindu practice. I don't care if the video is fake, maybe I did jump the gun, I admit, we all make mistakes, but can you tell me it's fake? My point still stands that I never mention anyting about Hindu's marrying dogs... Heck a Muslim, Christian or...
  3. Shadoww

    Hindu girl marries a dog?!

    I never once said Hindu's do this, I said this is sad... I never once mention the word Hindu.
  4. Shadoww

    Hindu girl marries a dog?!

    Why the double post? Can't you just edit the previous post if you forgot to add something? I still don't know why I'm being insulted.. oh well. Are you trying to reach you're 6000th post quicker because you think it makes you look cool? Yes I notice the sarcasim, still doesn't explain why YoU...
  5. Shadoww

    Hindu girl marries a dog?!

    Was that even real english? No matter how smart, stupid, or how much of a idiot I am, if you wanna be taken seriously Talk in english and StOp TaLkInG LiKe ThIs. I have no Idea what you are on about. Seriously, why not just talk in leet :rolleyes:
  6. Shadoww

    Hindu girl marries a dog?!

    The video has been removed by the athor, although I did a search and if this is it YouTube - Girl weds Dog - India Edit: Apprently this is not a wedding
  7. Shadoww

    Egyptians find innovative solution to swine flu pandemic - F*cking kill all pigs

    I guess this is another score for the muslim world, now I will most likely end up hearing " pork consumption is evil and here is the proof " from muslims now.. great.... :rolleyes: Edit: I love pork! Specially a nice Apracott Pork Roast... mmmmmm
  8. Shadoww

    Israel troops admit Gaza abuses

    this maybe a little old, but there are still child marriages in Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, all muslim countries. It's totally wrong, it was wrong 1400 years ago, its wrong now and its wrong in 1400's in the future. Getting back on topic, I pretty much agree with fleckar, Israel...