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  1. Cornspiracy

    Are you guys buying a yearly ticket ???

    I'm pretty sure (mightbewrong) that child tickets cost the same as student tickets.... Everything's pretty much been mentioned but if you're one of those last minute people (me) then getting a Multi is super handy because you don't want to be rushing for the train, especially if you have to...
  2. Cornspiracy

    UNSW Roll Call 2012

    B Science/Social Science.. First year. Majoring in Psychology and Human Resource Management. IDONTKNOWANYONEDOINGB.SOCIALSCIENCE. If anyone knows of anyone doing Bachelor of Social Science direct me to them, cause I'm feeling a taaaad lonely. :(
  3. Cornspiracy

    Feeling overwhelmed already!

    Good luck man :(
  4. Cornspiracy

    Can someone please tell me the differences amongst.....

    An internship goes under employment cause you're seen as a (noob) employee of whichever company you work for and treated like one. You basically put up with shit/no pay to get experience (to put on your resume) Cadetships and Clerkships would go under that too :) For Volunteering, if it's...
  5. Cornspiracy

    Question about concessions

    My friend got asked whether she was working when she went to get her concession, and she said no and got it. Obviously she works and I don't think anyone checks (she's going to UWS) My form didn't even say anything about it... (UNSW) So i don't think it would be fair for you guys if you...
  6. Cornspiracy

    train/bus tickets According to this, you'd have to get a Multi2, which would cost you $25.50 (was 24 end of last year :( ) Sounds like you'll be doing a lotta travelling, but what you can do is go through your week and roughly write down how much you'd...
  7. Cornspiracy

    How long does it take you to get to Uni?

    Really depends on whether it's peak hour or not... To uni would take roughly an hour all up Back home at peak hour.. I don't even want to imagine.