Search results

  1. K

    BAcc 2014 Intake

    I would agree. Don't forget about the UNSW Co-Op program. I know of someone that chose the offer by UNSW over UTS. I guess it is really up to the individual whether they prefer UNSW or UTS.
  2. K

    BAcc 2014 Intake

    My interview was on 9th. I had the 10.30 session with representatives from PwC and Westpac.
  3. K

    BAcc 2014 Intake

    Thank you :) My friend made it onto the reserve list and he got the 50-75% line. Speaking to previous Baccs who were on the reserve list, I was told that they also got the 50-75% line. If anyone with insider knowledge can correct me, then I would assume that there would only be one reserve...
  4. K

    BAcc 2014 Intake

    Unfortunately I didn't make it onto the reserve list. BTW seremify007, are you JC?
  5. K

    BAcc 2014 Intake

    Thank you so much for the advice smileplease - There was so many helpful hints that I didn't know about when I talked to spoke to some of the current Bacc students at the info evening. :) I'm counting down the days until the interview period :3
  6. K

    BAcc 2014 Intake

    Yeah, the confirmation email has all the instructions needed. :) Good luck at your interviews everyone!
  7. K

    Bachelor of Accounting (COOP!!) UTS Inforation Evening

    Good luck! With those bonus points, you should definitely be able to get into b business at UTS
  8. K

    Bachelor of Accounting (COOP!!) UTS Inforation Evening

    Did you forget to apply?
  9. K

    BAcc 2014 Intake

    Thank you smileplease :D I can't wait for the interview!
  10. K

    BAcc 2014 Intake

    Hope everyone got an interview offer! I was so ecstatic when I found out today :)
  11. K

    Bachelor of Accounting (COOP!!) UTS Inforation Evening

    Just checked my email and was offered an interview! Hope everyone else also made it!
  12. K

    OTEN Resources

    For the subjects that I study, they only have the OTEN resources for chem.
  13. K

    OTEN Resources

    Hi lightingbolt, I was wondering if you had any catholic or independent past papers for maths (2u +3u), chem, business studies, SOR 1, english and advanced. Thanks!
  14. K

    Hi Manroop I was wondering if the marks that you achieved were your raw HSC marks? If you could...

    Hi Manroop I was wondering if the marks that you achieved were your raw HSC marks? If you could, would you be able to explain how ranking and school assessment marks affect your ATAR (or if they affect your HSC marks?)? Thanks in advanced, I'm just a litte confused about this whole process...
  15. K

    Bachelor of Accounting (COOP!!) UTS Inforation Evening

    Oh I do hope so. Since I've first found out about the course, I've been so determined to get into the course. It's not great for my anxiety levels at the moment but I will persevere. I will definitely take that advice on. I wasn't sure whether or not to apply for a cadetship since I did not...
  16. K

    Bachelor of Accounting (COOP!!) UTS Inforation Evening

    Thanks Vagabond :) Unfortunately, I believe that will be the case for me. I easily fulfil 4 out of 5 of the selection criteria (see below for direct quote) with flying colours however my assumed ATAR result (based on my current results) may be in the higher 80s to lower 90s. With that in mind...
  17. K

    Bachelor of Accounting (COOP!!) UTS Inforation Evening

    Hi Manroop, Just wondering if you would know whether the estimated ATAR result provided by the school on part (b) of the application has a significant effect on my chances of getting an interview?