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  1. M

    economies of scale?

    you're close. external economies and diseconomies of scale can come from any outside factor in the economy. for example, if the government puts a tax on your products (cigarettes, alcopops or whatever), that is an external diseconomy of scale, and an ext. economy of scale could be a government...
  2. M

    Positive Impacts of John Howard

    jesus guys (Lentern and moll.) come on, you'd think this is a site related to education! its positive impacts of johnny winston, not libs vs commies or whatever the fuck ur talking about!
  3. M

    Does God exist?

    10 commandments, and things like that. there are a whole lot of verses in the Bible about how we should live our lives appropriately, that is, do the right thing.
  4. M

    Are people in the northern and eastern suburbs big time snobs?

    ok.... there are the same mix of people as anywhere. its all stereotypes. eg i live in vaucluse.... that supposedly makes me a complete snob and a dickhead rich boy. both of which are not true.... i hope i'm not a snob and i'm sure shit not rich. some people you will like, some you won't...
  5. M

    is smoking weed bad?

    tried it. couldn't swallow it and once i did it did nothing except give a shithouse aftertaste. doesn't work people, neither does smokin banana peel.
  6. M

    is smoking weed bad?

    i loved it, but it gave me shit self esteem, because thats not the kind of person i want to be. Its a fucking fantastic feeling, but at the same time i felt so degraded. If you can hack it then go for it, just not too often. i know a few guys who did the sc baked.... haha. I also tell my parents...
  7. M

    Music 1 - Performance 'thoughts'

    haha classical gas.... that piece is for people in year 9 man.
  8. M

    Penis Size... does it matter?

    haha how much of a derro is this guy? i'm with you ziggy. this guys a cunt.
  9. M

    Weirdest place you have m*bated?

    Re: Weirdest place you have masturbated? toilet guy; no way!! serious!!! you are awesome.
  10. M

    Weirdest place you have m*bated?

    Re: Weirdest place you have masturbated? out the window of my hotel in Vienna, shortly after blasting loud metal music out the window from a guitar amplifier.
  11. M

    1/3 of GUYS have this kind of DICK

    while i don't actually suffer from it i think everyone has insecurities about something to do with their genitals. i respect you for clearing up an issue that was probably troubling some of our youths.
  12. M

    need cool pick up lines

    oh dude...... that failed so hard that its actually hilarious. solid effort.
  13. M

    need cool pick up lines

    haha bro i bet you get SO MUCH POON with your naruto skills. sexy jutsu right? Love running with my hands behind my back, because no one gets it.
  14. M

    One night loving - why not?

    dude calm down maybe?
  15. M

    Penis Size... does it matter?

    Re: Penis Size HAHAHAHAHA did you seriously just pluralize penis? I love you!
  16. M

    Penis Size... does it matter?

    Re: Penis Size see everyone goes on about having a footlong..... but fuck man thatd suck so much, i'd hate it. average for life!
  17. M

    Moving to Sydney..Good idea or not?

    WOOOooooOOOOoooooOOOOooooo sydnaaayyyyyy.
  18. M

    Positive Impacts of John Howard

    god dammit why didn't i read this yesterday!!!! i chose johnny anyway fo my sc. I wrote about GST, increased USA alliance stuff and yeah...some other crap.
  19. M

    Does God exist?

    I believe in God because I have faith.... thats all there is to it. the whole idea is that God shouldn't have to provide proof, because its a test of whether you are really faithful. I'm not a hardcore christian, but I do believe in God and i try to do the right thing most of the time.