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  1. C

    e-Business Timetable Clash

    i know how u feel. This was the FIRST thing i noticed, when making my timetable... i was sooo annoyed in having to have an evening class. I decided to do COMP115 as the evening lecture. btw, have u registered to all your classes.... because for me the tutorials for BBA111 are completely full...
  2. C

    2010 Intake

    ye i applied for the sydney campus B. Commerce/Arts B. Commerce B. Arts atm since i really wanna go... im thinking of the tertiary enabling program hehe when do the interviews normally come out? awww now im worried i really want to go...
  3. C

    lol hello cat???

    lol hello cat???
  4. C

    B Of Commerce - Services Marketing & Toursism etc.. anyone doing it?

    hi..sorry quick q. im planning on taking this course... just wondering wat was ur uai for this course?? and is there any chance to transfer? thanks.. sorry i noe this isnt an answer to ur question.