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  1. J

    CSSA biology

    study hard and get off the interwebs lol. ive done 3 past papers today for my exam tomorrow and my wrist is killing me :/
  2. J

    Sample Multiple Choice for 2 Unit and extension 1 maths

    your school hasn't given you multiple choice questions in the exams throughout the year? they're pretty simple stuff - you can generally narrow it down to 2 choices straight away and then often you can guess and check if unsure. i thought the BOS had posted some on their site due to the change...
  3. J

    Trial HSC - stressed or not?

    lalalalalalalalalalala english over maths and bio tomorrow and i'm not stressed at all. come at me 2U >:)
  4. J

    English Paper 1 or 2?

    i felt so much better after paper 2 than paper 1. it would be good if people didn't just memorise essays but sadly that's what a lot of subjects are. creative writing is something which not everyone can actually be good at, whereas studying hard for your modules can pay off imo
  5. J

    English Paper 1 or 2?

    i like the essay in paper 1, but the creative writing and unseen texts are stupid. they can give you something completely stupid which you have to make up a response to. paper 2 you know what sort of question so it seems a lot easier
  6. J

    Trial HSC - stressed or not?

    mines tomorrow so i'll keep that in mind haha so screwed
  7. J

    Trial HSC - stressed or not?

    you spent 40 minutes just talking about your prescribed text? lol :(
  8. J

    English Paper 1 or 2?

    Just did english paper 1 today which i was completely freaking out about. Paper 2 is tomorrow and i feel more confident. For some reason 3 essays seems simpler than responding to unseen texts and doing a creative writing piece. Which paper do you prefer and why? :)
  9. J

    English Paper 1 or 2?

    Do you prefer English Paper 1 or English Paper 2?
  10. J

    Trial HSC - stressed or not?

    english paper 1 tomorrow... kill me now. not stressed, just extremely nervous as i know this is what will screw me over. I can get a band 6 in every subject but english which i'll be lucky to get a band 4 in :/ good luck for everyone else though! i hope you survive english better than i do
  11. J

    the HSC TRIAL examinations

    so jealous :/ although glad i have two days to try and make sure i pass english
  12. J

    Analysing a TV show as an additional material

    I'm using an episode of insight about banning the burqa for one of my additional materials. there are two distinct perspectives (for & against the ban) which i can explain and back up with quotes, however what techniques should i be looking for to support my explanations? The people aren't...
  13. J

    Hi i need to repeat year 12, but my parents do let.

    my dad repeated year 12 because he didnt get the marks he wanted, 2nd year he got the marks for dentistry. repeating isn't stupid if you have something you are very passionate about or if your marks are no where near acceptable and you CAN do a lot better
  14. J

    how to study for bio?

    that should be enough haha, just make sure you answer a wide variety of questions from all of the topics so you have good covering of the syllabus :)
  15. J

    Trial HSC - stressed or not?

    stree is building with 4 days til english :/ cannot wait til section 2 is done - rest of the exams have nothing on english.
  16. J

    Sick what happens???

    wouldnt you get an estimate based on your past results? that's how it works in my school im pretty sure
  17. J

    What are your rituals/routines before an exam?

    ^ weird but made me laugh right before the exam i go to the toilets and make sure my cheat sheets are properly concealed :uhoh:
  18. J

    Paper two tomorrow = SCREWED!

    trying to get my head around what to write for my essays :/ i have a week to go though so not as unprepared as you. good luck you'll be fine!
  19. J

    Are my additional materials ok?

    My prescribed text is wag the dog my first additional material that i chose is President Bush's speech at Fort Bragg in 2005 in relation to the war in Iraq the second one I've chosen is Fahrenheit 9/11. i really like this as the conflicting perspectives are easy to analyse, however should i...