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    +i sitting on an 83-84.. you've got hugee goals haha.
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    Atar Estimate? :)

    At the moment I reckon you're sitting on an 83-84. Try top 20% in math and top 30% in extension maths and englsh. Should be good then :)
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    Can I achieve 80+?

    i'd say 77-81 right now, not very high scaling subjects you've got
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    ATAR Estimate again

    Our subject sizes are quite similar haha, I'd estimate a 93-95.
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    Can my brother's teacher force my brother to do Standard Eng?-- help!!!

    They can only advise strongly against him picking advanced English, they cannot restrict him from doing it.
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    Multiple choice help

    Hi you use the relationship T^2 / r^3 (Kepler's third law IIRC), since they all orbit the sun (central body) they will all have equal ratios. ie. Period venus square / radius earth cubed = period satturn squared / radius satturn cubed Have a go at it.
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    ATAR estimate!

    84-88, need to improve that bio and phys.
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    Atar Estimate please

    82-84 so yes, I believe that'll get you 80+ :)
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    Relationship Problems

    It is hard to change a person's attitudes and habits, but you should talk to him and tell him what you want out of the relationship (e.g. not to put you down for your success, almost getting p's etc.)
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    Random questions regarding ATAR.

    Oh ok, kind of makes sense.. that means a chunk of people dropped out prior to year 12!
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    Random questions regarding ATAR.

    Ok, I have some questions: 1. so the ATAR counts the people who have dropped out (prior to year 12 / HSC)? [UAC quotes it, but I've heard otherwise..] 2. is this the reason why 17% of students receive an ATAR of 90+? and the reason why the median ATAR is just 69.55 and not 50? "An ATAR...
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    UNSW imposes minimum entry score of 80+ ATAR

    How many people actually get below 80? Is it 50 people per 0.05 mark of ATAR?
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    Jersey Name Help!

    TANk cos u sinned 17 exactly =p
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    Math: Advance VS General

    Assuming raw marks, a mark of 70% in advanced will get you a 76-82 aligned mark and hence about 50 scaled mark. In general 90% will make around 92-96 aligned mark and 76 scaled mark. Hence general will be a better option.