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  1. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    what do you mean different/strange tastes?!
  2. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    going to class >:[
  3. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    caffeine pills? Imageshack - mptv12cv8ne.gif om nom nom
  4. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    eww nowhere nearrrr
  5. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    he's between muscley and chubby for me= perfect
  6. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    actually no skinny face otherwise im normal i was referring to modelesque proportions etc
  7. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    no ty
  8. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    drugs hipster shit a taste for really skinny girls/guys
  9. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    he's laosian he's dark/tall/tattooed so I guess people would think badboy when they looked at him- but hes a goody two shoes who wants to be a history teacher so lol
  10. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    as in i dislike most of the things people on the internet like
  11. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    yes i am boyfriend atm is asian phwoaaaaaaaaaaaaar times 100 but all his friends are arabs I tried to talk shit about him in arabic the other day for lolz and he swore right back mind=blown
  12. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    sthu you puny little boys like i said, bos chicks seem to not appreciate buff guys. more for me
  13. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    I was showing meilz some skinny islanders do not want either of those guys only want my asian =[
  14. Yo1anda

    What is love ?

    only slept for 2 hours >.>
  15. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    this I know some 11 year olds with abs
  16. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    oh lol i dont think thats possible lankiest islander i know has a size 36 ass their thighs/ass are too big for philwest lanky
  17. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    both those guys are pretty lanky ~tensing for photoz~
  18. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you? i will lol if vannilla and i have mutual friends
  19. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    yeah most big islanders i know have the best hearts I like skinny ones though so not sure how this works ahah
  20. Yo1anda

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    and i have a feeling youre a bit of a poof oh wow, we like guys that look strong/able/virile/ we must be the same person!!!1111!111!! edit: okay latte those guys are huge and would probably kill me lol