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  1. F

    Recent ECMT1020 UOS Outline?

    If you hop onto the Business School Blackboard, there's actually a section under My Organisations called Unit of Study Outlines, and you'll be able to access all the Business School UoS Outlines there. Otherwise, you can email the business school and they'll send you one.
  2. F

    Required units of study confusement. Please help!

    I honestly don't know much about the fundies units, so I can't make any suggestions there. Which fundies and normal units are you looking to do? I can tell you that most people that did 4U and MATH1003 say it's a breeze. I can also tell you that I personally found MATH1004 fairly...
  3. F

    Required units of study confusement. Please help!

    I'm not sure I can answer this but I just took a stalk of your posting history so I'll give it a shot. Personally I'm at University to learn, so I believe in taking the most advanced units you're capable of. Sure, they might be harder, but you learn more for the same price. :P I have to say if...
  4. F

    Required units of study confusement. Please help!

    No you don't. :) You only need 12CP worth of first year maths units to fulfil your B Sci core units.
  5. F

    Course Structure

    I'm not 100% sure on this myself, but basically it's one of the two professional accounting accreditations in Australia. There's CPA and ICAA. (Read more here: and for the list of subjects required here...
  6. F

    Course Structure

    That looks fine! Are you looking to do the CPA accreditation for your Accounting major? :)
  7. F

    Required units of study confusement. Please help!

    Hello obviouslyme! I'm a second year Commerce/ Science student, so I can definitely help you out here. :D + I was considering a Physiology major last year so this makes me doubly qualified. As for the 36CP of core units for Commerce, 6CP worth is actually a capstone unit taken in your...
  8. F

    Course Structure

    Five compulsory cores, yes. People generally take 4 courses in each semester.
  9. F

    [NEED URGENT HELP] BCom Unit Selection & Enrolment

    I said the same thing, but then I actually enjoyed Accounting and Economics and majoring in Accounting now, haha. INFS1000 is a good choice if you're into information systems, CLAW1001 for some background knowledge or ECON1002 Macroeconomics (as opposed to BUSS1040 which is mostly...
  10. F

    Talented Students Program??

    You should get an email inviting you to an information session in the first few weeks. They'll explain the whole process.
  11. F

    What is the combined bachelor of commerce/ arts degree like? Please help :)

    Commerce, Arts, Science are all really really really broad degrees. You might surprise yourself though. I did all sciences and no humanities or social sciences in the HSC and I'm studying Commerce/ Science now. I did Commerce because it's a subject area that would be useful no matter what sort...
  12. F

    Talented Students Program??

    Congrats on your awesome results and entrance into TSP. I'm a current TSP student, so hopefully my experience will be helpful. TSP is mainly a way for undergrad students to get into research, but it isn't necessarily scientifically rigorous. It's extremely flexible and really revolves around...
  13. F

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    These subjects were taken in Semester 2, 2014. BUSS1002 – The Business Environment Ease: 6/10 As a Business School subject, there is no scaling and your final mark is just the sum of all your raw marks. This makes it harder to do extremely well overall. Personally I find that subjects that...
  14. F

    What subject should I drop for next year.

    Decide after you finish your prelim year. Still plenty of time to make your choice.
  15. F

    What would you change about the HSC and why?

    HS1917. It's an optional first year uni course that counts absolutely nothing to HSC. If you end up studying in that field later, you can use it as credit though.
  16. F

    Lying about atar to parents?

    How about you think about it after you actually get below 90? What if you get 89.95?
  17. F

    HSC physics youtube videos

    oh man. I'm super interested in this + how you will execute it. I was actually considering doing this myself just as a means for me to study.
  18. F

    Nuclear Chemistry help:) Brilliant website, it has fantastic information on HSC Chem, and Phys too.
  19. F

    What happens when you write in pencil?

    At Ruse, they accelerate SDD 2 years early. :L
  20. F

    Oh look... another estimate post -_-

    I think OP wants an estimation of ranks to attain his ATAR goal.