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  1. Will Shakespear

    if discrimination applies to race,what is the word for discrimination against religon

    Re: if discrimination applies to race,what is the word for discrimination against rel "logic"
  2. Will Shakespear

    Are people smugglers doing good?

    so what we should do is close the borders and make the minimum wage $500/hr everyone would be rich!
  3. Will Shakespear

    Are people smugglers doing good?

    Kevin Rudd on people smugglers: Video - Rudd: Smugglers can 'rot in hell' - The Age he calls them "The vilest form of human life" and also "scum of the earth" and also says they "can rot in hell" :s Graney on people smugglers: other stuff: 'Scum of earth' ply dangerous trade - Local News -...
  4. Will Shakespear

    3 Asylum Seekers killed in North Western Australia

    an onlooker recorded footage of the incident, as shown here: aUqrVvr6iBo silly brown people
  5. Will Shakespear

    education degree questions

    you'd do design & technology, not science the uai isn't important except to say they let anyone in
  6. Will Shakespear

    Volunteer/National Service scheme

    Unfortunately the indos have 8 times as many :D
  7. Will Shakespear

    Volunteer/National Service scheme

    poor JaredR would have to find another country again
  8. Will Shakespear

    Bebo VS Facebook

    only wogs use bebo discuss
  9. Will Shakespear

    Volunteer/National Service scheme

    and suffering too looks like you'd be a good fit for the teaching of this guy you should check them out some time
  10. Will Shakespear

    Why do Aussies give Aboriginal Aussies a hard time?

    and even then, Barack Obama didn't come from within the African American community anyway :D
  11. Will Shakespear

    What is more attractive for a guy to be driving: manual or auto?

    every girl you and your cousins enter is a consent free zone, 'bro' also, fudiciary isn't a word idiot
  12. Will Shakespear


    a world without religion:
  13. Will Shakespear

    Why do Aussies give Aboriginal Aussies a hard time?

    that's the best thing i've ever seen
  14. Will Shakespear

    Does it matter where a degree comes from ?

    argumentum ad geoff: "Geoffrey Leonard never attended UWS, therefore UWS is a better uni, and USyd may turn you into a child molester"
  15. Will Shakespear

    Does it matter where a degree comes from ?

    It can come from anywhere as long as the uni is USyd.
  16. Will Shakespear

    Population Control ?

    China kinda fucked up with the 1 child policy a 1.2 or 1.4 child policy more or less implements itself once living standards are high enough that parents don't have to have 3+ kids to tip the odds in their favour that one will survive now they're gonna have a shitload of old ppl w/ no one to...
  17. Will Shakespear


    speaking of flowcharts, this is worth posting again
  18. Will Shakespear

    Should polygamous marriages be legal?

    What you do is you're an advocate.
  19. Will Shakespear


    those are shit books, they contain little of value except some of what jesus said why haven't you read The Bhagavad Gita or the Pāli Canon? ignorant.