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  1. S

    B-Commerce @ Monash vs Melbourne Uni

    Yeah but as you said, for accounting and Finance major, we just got our course planners the other week and I only need one level 3 breathe to satisfy my 3rd year, which is Taxation Law, also needed for my accreditation so thats settled. My only nerf is the LSAT and impressing them with my essay...
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    B-Commerce @ Monash vs Melbourne Uni

    I guess I just need to do more research into the LSAT to calm my nerves lol, sorry. But either way it looks promising. :x
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    B-Commerce @ Monash vs Melbourne Uni

    Hey guys, I was wondering if its a possibility to transfer from Melbourne Uni commerce to Monash Com/Law? Might be a good alternative since JD entrance is pretty complicated with the LSAT:X
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    B-Commerce @ Monash vs Melbourne Uni

    Hey guys, thanks for all your advice!! I just enrolled in Melbourne Uni Commerce, and am probably going to head in the direction of doing a JD in Law which is an additional 3 years. Alternatively I can try to get into a Chartered Accountancy Firm after I graduate from my Bachelors of Commerce if...
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    B-Commerce @ Monash vs Melbourne Uni

    But what if I wanted to do a bachelor of law after then, since a law degree cannot be compensated for? Sorry for my ignorance but I can't see why doing a masters right after is considered being a loser.Is it because people will think you lack in experience and therefore do not know what to aim...
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    B-Commerce @ Monash vs Melbourne Uni

    Thanks for the reply. Sorry, I am not a rural student, but by grace, I managed to get an ENTER that is above the estimated ENTER required for Commerce at Melbourne University, but just below the below ENTER of Com/Law at Monash, so tough I guess. I'm not too fussed about it, Commerce @ UoM is a...
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    B-Commerce @ Monash vs Melbourne Uni

    Hey guys, thanks so much for the replies. I am applying for Melbourne Uni Commerce as 2nd and Monash as 3rd, my first preference would be com/law at monash. Chose Melbourne over monash because the law post grads that they offer all require a minimum of 2 years work experience to do they're...
  8. S

    B-Commerce @ Monash vs Melbourne Uni

    Wow!Really? I thought having a Masters of Commercial Law would help...I heard something about Melbourne having Minors, as well as Majors with they're breadth subjects. But would it be wise to do B-Commerce in Melbourne, then Masters in Commercial law in Monash?
  9. S

    B-Commerce @ Monash vs Melbourne Uni

    Thanks for the reply, I'm currently thinking of doing Accounting and Finance as my Majors, but I will probably do a post grad, either a Bachelor of Law, a JD in Law or a Masters in Commercial Law. I'm not really inclined to practice law, rather I'd just like to have it as an edge in terms of...
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    B-Commerce @ Monash vs Melbourne Uni

    Hey guys, I was wondering if I could get your opinion on this. I know that each uni has its pros and cons, but I would like to get your invaluable insight on the matter. I'm tossing up between going to Monash or Melbourne Uni. I'm not sure which will give me a more of an edge in terms of...
  11. S

    Commerce, then Masters in Law?

    Thank you very much, I will definitely consider it!
  12. S

    Commerce, then Masters in Law?

    WINNER!!! LoL just kidding. Wow in regards to the workload of the JD, thats a big step up, especially if I'm not used to the legalistic way of thinking, coming straight out of Commerce. However JD is definitely an option for me :). The Masters in Commercial Law is intriguing as well as having a...
  13. S

    VTAC Personal Information Form// Motivation For Study

    Hey, I'm having a lot of problems with this as well....I'm scared of being too specific.
  14. S

    Commerce, then Masters in Law?

    Hey guys, since the JD is a basic law degree, would the graduate Bachelor of Law degree be more thorough in terms of coursework and studies?
  15. S

    Commerce, then Masters in Law?

    Thanks for the insightful replies. I will do some research on JD's however, doing commercial law is definitely something I will consider. I guess it will give me the edge I need to score a job, however if I can get into Com/Law I might still do Masters of Law when the time comes. I'm hoping to...
  16. S

    Commerce, then Masters in Law?

    Hey guys, I've been thinking about alternative routes I could take if my ENTER doesn't make the cut for Monash Uni's Com/Law degree in Melbourne,so I was wondering if it would be a good idea to do a Commerce degree first and then a post grad, Masters of Law? My main concern is that I may lack...
  17. S

    Commerce/Law double degree only one Major?

    Alright, thanks so much for the speedy reply :)
  18. S

    Commerce/Law double degree only one Major?

    Hi guys, sorry I'm new to this forum as well as just graduated. I'm very keen to do Commerce/Law at Monash next year, however I was wondering if I am allowed to take two Majors like the single degree commerce course, or only one? Thanks in advance, much appreciated and I am very sorry if someone...