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  1. D

    assessment grading

    Are marks distributed through bell curves for Math/Chem junior units? (Math1903, Math1905 and Chem1902 in particular)
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    Advanced maths - 1st year

    I'm doing a double major, with the other being Chem. I guess I'll chose both adv. versions of the maths units, and try out the first week then decide what happens. lol Anyways, thanks so much :D
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    Advanced maths - 1st year

    Thanks for replying so fast :D Actually the main problem is my other units, especially for IT. I've chosen to do CHEM1902, Foundations of Computer Systems and bio as well. I've haven't done Bio during HSC + I'm new to IT. I'm just worried that doing all that might be a bit too much for me. ;/
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    Advanced maths - 1st year

    I meant the advanced units. (sorry if it was a bit confusing ;p) Main reason why I'm thinking of doing an adv. unit in maths is because I'm going to a major in financial maths and stats and like you said, to test the waters cuz from what I heard, first year marks don't count. I'm actually...
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    Advanced maths - 1st year

    Im doing a B. of science and I'm considering to chose Financial maths and stats as one of my majors. I did the normal maths units during 1st sem. (MATH 1001 and 1002) and I'm unsure if i should apply for adv. maths in 2nd semester. I've done 4U maths during HSC however than was during 2011...
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    Leave of absence? Help plz

    I've transferred from uts to usyd because I decided to do a different course. However I've done 2 years of my previous course already. Instead of withdrawing from my course, is it possible to apply for a leave of absence until I finish my new course I'm not sure if I should finish my...
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    Credit transfer

    I'm transferring to usyd and I'm applying for a credit transfer. It seems that I have to list all of the subjects that I did from my previous. If I get offered for a credit transfer... Will they give me a choice of which subjects I want to get credit transfer for? Cuz I only want to...
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    Transferring unis. How? HELP plz

    Mmk then. Thanks guys
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    Transferring unis. How? HELP plz

    I'm transferring from uts to usyd and I have already received an offer. However I'm not sure of what to do next. I am currently still enrolled to uts. Do I have to withdraw from my current course or does it do it automatically? If so how do I withdraw? I'm going to apply for a credit...
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    External transfers

    I'm thinking of transferring to usyd through UAC and I just have a few questions I've noticed that there are multiple rounds when applying. Does applying earlier increase the chance of getting accepted or is it the same. I'm in the 2nd semester of my 2nd year and the thing is I didn't do...