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  1. K

    STAT171 First year pass

    Thank you very much
  2. K

    STAT171 First year pass

    K i only got a pass in STAT171 where as i needed a credit minimum to get into ACST211 for second semester (actuarial kids probably already know this). I got 63 for STAT171 which is a real b*tch considering i was only 2 off a credit and i was wondering if anyone has else has been this close...
  3. K

    What course should I do, Acturial or science related?

    :confused: OK im really confused. My projected UAI is 95+but i am hoping to get 97.xx . My choices are actuarial/finance at macquarie (97.xx UAI), or a science related course such as pharmacy at another UNI. I mean i'm more interested in physics/chemistry than i am with sitting in an office...