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  1. K

    Friends with benefits

    being 'friends with benefits' is another excuse to go around, by having a title being 'friends' doesnt make it any better either. basically it means you can engage in activities with individuals whom you hold no committment with, which are clearly only meant to be shared between yourself and...
  2. K

    Not attracted to your race

    actually, im filo and half spanish and if you ask me, i just dont find myself attracted to the same race as my own. i have a lebanese boyfriend currently and havent ever had any sort of relationship with any asian. theyr just not in that sorta catergoryy with mee lmaooo
  3. K

    Retail Exam

    the retail exam was actually pretty easy. the section 3 sorta threw me off abit but i checked with my friend at the end of the exam to see what she had written and turns out we wrote the same thing. all good i cant remember the m/c questions nor my answers lol but im happy, finished my last...