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  1. M


    stefgi32 everyone has bad days nad good days, its normal. Ive met people with severe depression and you can tell they have depression cause they are just so effing miserable, they just literally hate life, they enjoy nothing. also u cant even ever think about suicide, its not an option...
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    I experienced psychosis last year. it is honestly the hardest thing u will ever experience. But speaking from experience you can get through it you just need to want to help yourself, and believe that everything will be okay
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    Prelim contents tested in HSC?

    yer I think so but still learn the stuff cause it forms the foundatiuons for yr12
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    dur dur dur this is a stoopid thread I jsut contradict myself
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    yer I get all the stuff we do in yr 11 its pretty simple. Its just I dnt study that much so my results are average. I need to study more. Hopefully I ace my yearlies anyway
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    I was just wondering. How hard is mx2 anyway. Like on a scale of 1-10? Should I start trying in eco even though I think im going to do extension 2. Like is extension 2 really hard. Ive heard its just mainly the work u have to put into it and u have to be motivated etc. But I'm just wondering...
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    English essay

    Okay guys how long does it take you to memorise an english essay I am about 500/600 word in and its taken me 2 1/2 hours is this normal? or do I have an absolutely shithouse memory my test isnt till next monsay so i have heaps of time just curious
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    English Half Yearly

    For English part of our half yearly will be writing an essay on Othello What should I make notes on regarding Othello to help me in answering an essay question thanks
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    Working/having a job during yr 11 and maybe yr 12?

    I have 2 jobs One at EAS and the other through tutoring maths its mad