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  1. M

    Who else thought the IPT exam sucked big time?

    I wasn't fond of those 6 mark questions, the collecting, displaying, etc. Every question 23,24,25, etc. I couldn't stretch bullshit anymore, on multimedia. There was no time left, so I ended up putting dot points. Multimedia seemed fine, just one or two that stumped me, the music store...
  2. M

    General Thoughts: IPT

    I don't think there's been a positive post in this thread about doing well in IPT... It ensures me that I was not the only one to do bad. Thank you guys.
  3. M

    General Thoughts: IPT

    I don't think there's been a positive post in this thread about doing well in IPT... It's ensures me that I was not the only one to do bad. Thank you guys.
  4. M

    General Thoughts: IPT

    LOL The trial I had was brutal, I came second and only got 50%. That's how much people don't care about IPT. LOL
  5. M

    Who's going to miss IPT?

    So funny, my friends and I were discussing a bon fire idea...throwing all our notes and textbooks into it. I'll miss my rank and braging about it lols....There was no competition in my class for ipt, there was 17 people in my IPT at the start of year 11 and it came down to 7 at the end of...
  6. M

    General Thoughts: IPT

    I wrote the most outrageous thing, about tagging pedo's and minor shocking them if they come close to a school or park....I refered the minor shock to the car slowing down. lols I had no idea.
  7. M

    General Thoughts: IPT

    I forgot to design that flight thing. In TPS. It was so rushed, I was behind and I had to finish multimedia, I only had 25 mins to Multimedia.... I truly am pissed at myself, for falling behind so much in this exam.
  8. M

    General Thoughts: IPT

    I said it was to locate a specific page within the website.???
  9. M

    General Thoughts: IPT

    I hated that GPS question, put this technology into another situation.... I bullshited the biggest bullshit out....I can;t remember what I wrote...
  10. M

    HSC Paper 1; Who stuffed up?

    fucked up, the reading texts bit, the visual text was fine. but the there was that novel extract. About a girl in some blissful place??? I couldnt school is intensly loud, even between classes...
  11. M

    General Thoughts: IPT

    It was hard in some bits, especially the collecting, analysing q's. I stuffed up in multimedia, i only had 30 minutes left. I always do this ipt exams, procastinate. I don't think I will get any higher that 60%. I barely got to finish the damned thing. All my friends were leaving, I was wtf...
  12. M

    how are people studying for sdd??

    i got 26% on my trial, In my class came 4th in the trial. But i'm first in the rankings....lols I don;t know how that happened.
  13. M

    HSC: IPT 2009 EXAM - are you ready?

    Ah....its on tueday and i've been using revise hsc IPT in a month in 2 days....lols I'm fu*ked....i'm 2nd in my class out 20 (theres two classes), I don;t know how that happened :)
  14. M

    Trial HSC results?

    failed the majority of my exams. passed ipt just: 50% i came 2nd. lol and english: 57% italian:? my teacher hasnt made me do he speaking exam.? gen maths; 19% lol software design and development; 26% im ranked first in this class because i...
  15. M

    Most Embarrasing Artist On Your Ipod

    Uhm... 80's so these titles might not be that known to you guys. Laura Branigan - Gloria Linda Ronstat & Aaron Neville - I Don't Know Much, But I Know I Love You Michael Learns To Rock - 25 Minutes Michael Sembello - Maniac Mr. Mister - Broken Wings Nena - 99 luftballoons Youtube...
  16. M

    UAI calculator for major

    what your trying to do is to with my sdd friend has this crazy incorporates bluetooth and other bs.......
  17. M

    Do you enjoy doing SDD?

    well yes i ranking first in my class.....
  18. M

    Belonging - 2009

    GUYS ABIT OF HELP WITH BELONGING IN TERMS OF A THESIS You need to create your own concept of belonging in your thesis then you need to back that thesis up. look at aspects that could make someone belong. Look at why people would want to belong.
  19. M

    How long do you guys study for?

    i know......i only do 2 hrs a nite study......10 hours would drive me to suicide lmaos...
  20. M

    Italian Beginners!! Dove siete?!

    my class has like 15 people....and teachers is barely at school......i havnt learnt anything this year....i have basic knowledge like colours, numbers 0 - 100, and time and some other gonna fail hsc.....