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  1. L

    hello - a year 12 kiddo looking for a modern history tutor, please email me on...

    hello - a year 12 kiddo looking for a modern history tutor, please email me on (i have a phobia of putting my personal deets on the internet, hence the cringy email name...) thanks!
  2. L

    English Paper 1 - Thoughts

    can someone please repeat what the question was?? like with proper wording, i know there was emotional and intellectul something butive BLockED IT OUT FroM my brains.
  3. L

    Urgent help with wording my title!!!

    :blink2: Im currently doing my historical investigation for modern history. I am investigating whether or not the Final Solution (the genocide of the Jews during the Holocaust) was Intentionalist or Functionalist. I have all my info - I just wanted help making my title more broad and less...
  4. L

    Modern history help!! Holocaust intentionalist vs functionalist

    Thanks Frostguard! that was helpful :) sure is a lot of historiography to go through haha
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    Modern history help!! Holocaust intentionalist vs functionalist

    Hello! Im currently in year 11 and working to create a focus question for my historical investigation for modern history. I want to talk about the debate over whether hitlers regime and the final solution were intentionalist or functionalist. theres a lot of historiography and debate on it...
  6. L

    Modern historical investigation - intentionalist vs functionalist

    Hello! Im currently in year 11 and working to create a focus question for my historical investigation for modern history. I want to talk about the debate over whether hitlers regime and the final solution were intentionalist or functionalist. theres a lot of historiography and debate on it...
  7. L

    99 atar without math?

    righto, so all that talk about "doing maths pushes up your atar because everyone who does 2u/3u is smart and so you get a higher atar" is wrong??
  8. L

    Should I do PHYSICS without 3 UNIT MATHS? Or am i crazy??! PLS HELP!!!

    Thanks @drongoski and @si2136 for your answers :D . I wont be doing physics for uni for sure, so i think 2 unit should hopefully suffice. Sucks how "feminised" is synonymous with "dumbed down" though... :/
  9. L

    99 atar without math?

    Hello :) After (finally) dropping maths midway of year 11, the subjects I am now doing are as follow : - chemistry - biology - ancient - modern - extension english = 11 units. My atar goal is above 99. Currently, im doing well in all subjects, coming top 10 out of a grade of...
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    Should I do PHYSICS without 3 UNIT MATHS? Or am i crazy??! PLS HELP!!!

    Hi all, Im currently starting year 11 and i chose 2 unit mathematics. I also chose physics. Is this a wise desicion??? I have 3 weeks to change my subjects but its a pain in the bbutt for my teachers... AAHHHHHHHHH THANKS!