Search results

  1. Rafy

    Why not 100 ?

    The reason cited at the time was to end the impression that there were a handful of students that got a 'perfect score'. Getting a UAI of 100 never actually meant you had a perfect score (in aggregate terms) but that was the impression that was created. It's also why other states don't use 100...
  2. Rafy

    Site glitch.

    If it's a friend request you'll need to either accept or reject it before the notification goes away. Not a glitch.
  3. Rafy

    Why can't I use the search function

    Ah technology. Our webmaster will have a look into it. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
  4. Rafy

    Hi i need to repeat year 12, but my parents do let.

    Everyone here is of course merely trying to help. It is in the end up to the OP but it is in their interests that the decision is well informed. I've seen 9 cohorts of students go through here with similar issues and the countless number who end up regretting repeating.
  5. Rafy

    Hi i need to repeat year 12, but my parents do let.

    Most people who repeat end up getting a similar mark to what they got in the first place. It is generally a complete waste of time.
  6. Rafy

    Memorising essays for English

    Re: Memorising essays Markers can easily spot memorised essays. From the HSC Advisory Bulletin: Some extracts from the marker's notes of last year's exams (Markers bring this problem up repeatedly and year after year): "Candidates should avoid prepared answers based on the ‘dot...
  7. Rafy

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    More than 8 years ago.
  8. Rafy

    CSSA/IND Papers

    They only sell to schools and even then schools are quite restricted in terms of how they can use them. "Past papers in electronic format are available to those schools who order CSSA Trial HSC papers for their Year 12 candidature. For copyright reasons, these papers can only be used for...
  9. Rafy

    Which Australian Prime Minister is better: Gough Whitlam or Julia Gillard?

    The GG did what he did on the understanding that an election would immediately be called. The matter was essentially sent to the Australian people for their determination. Whitlam was subsequently defeated in what remains the largest 2PP landslide. If the people wanted him back they would have...
  10. Rafy

    Earliest way to apply for a uni course?

    No, main round is mid Jan. The vast majority of offers are made in that round.
  11. Rafy

    Which Australian Prime Minister is better: Gough Whitlam or Julia Gillard?

    And now you have Gillard trying to out-Howard the coalition on asylum seeker policy. Oh how far the ALP have fallen.
  12. Rafy

    who marks the cssa advanced papers

    Examiners refers to those who wrote the paper.
  13. Rafy

    CSSA Trials: English AOS Paper 1

    Share your thoughts of the exam here.
  14. Rafy

    Advertising standards

    The ad that dared to use the V-word (Sun Herald, 22 July 2012) Does the word 'vagina' offend your sensibilities? Should it and similar terms be censored by the government from broadcast? Does government have a role in regulating advertising and broadcast standards?
  15. Rafy

    What TV shows can you absolutely not miss?

  16. Rafy

    "Student challenges ruling on her HSC"

    Re: Not happy with 99.95 ATAR! Yes, but she represented herself at the tribunal.
  17. Rafy

    Official BOS Study Meat v2.0 (Winter Edition)

    A big thanks to Carrotsticks and Parramatta Library. I hope you all enjoyed the day and got something out of it.
  18. Rafy

    Ranks ?

    I'm staff? Here you go: New Member 0 Junior Member 25 Assistant Member 50 Member 100 Senior Member 200 Executive Member 400 Exalted Member 800 Supreme Member 1200 Magniloquent Member 1600 Loquacious One 2000 Ancient Orator 2400 Rambling Spirit 2800 Demigod...
  19. Rafy

    School Rankings 2011

    It's $5500