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  1. soha

    Religious affiliation

    well the muslims do and the jews eat kosher so
  2. soha

    4 hour hair appointment

    my friend had afro curly hair and she got it permanently straightened and because when it grows back her hair is soo thick and curly she has to go to the hairdresser no joke once a week and fix her roots which costs her$50.. i have a blowdryer and a hair straightener..which is all i need.
  3. soha

    4 hour hair appointment

    i have a guy friend who has same hair as u and he goes to the hair dresser and pays $50 a month to get his hair straightened permanently so instead of curls he has dead straight hair
  4. soha

    4 hour hair appointment

    she must be getting her hair permanently straightened where they straighten ur hair then put chemicals in it to make it permanently straight my friend did it she said she had to have this bullshti in her hair for aaaaages maybe 4 hours i dunno and it only costed my friend $50 which is...
  5. soha

    War of the Worlds

    well in that case as long as i dont have to watch absolute lame arse aliens take over the world i already know the whole movie storyline etc ..sister told me. sounded good
  6. soha

    War of the Worlds

    i was going to see it but when i found out it was about aliens i was like fuck no i cant stand stuff like that but i heard its good
  7. soha

    Removing Unwanted Hair

    ok my first hair removal experience was using an epilady and it fucking hurt so much that i couldnt bare the pain so i shaved the other leg waxing is the best but for me waxing is a big job i need to have a day assigned to i can make the wax and be bothered to do it etc...
  8. soha

    I fucking hate Shane Warne

    well people like to read about sex scandals as apposed to wickets lol
  9. soha

    I fucking hate Shane Warne

    in reguards to the topic of his story being frontpage news thats what people want to read about they publish news along with "what sells" which just so happens to be his affair etc
  10. soha


    exactly dont judge a book by its cover you dont judge a religon by its followers because they are not always the perfect examples islam and a muslim are 2 different things just like christianity and a christian are 2 different things you have to see judge the religon for what it is..not by...
  11. soha


    not many..actually maybe once or twice not half as many times as i hear about ministers or bishops molesting innocent young boys...etc
  12. soha

    Religious affiliation

    most middle eastern countries? you mean most muslim countries run under sharia law..mind you only 18% of the global islamic population are middle eastern there is not as much corruption overseas as you think and how can you speak on behalf of many people? just because americans decide to...
  13. soha

    Christian and islamic Views of Fornication

    sex b4 marriage what is the islamic view about fornication in its simplest form its forbidden infact you cnat even touch the opposite sex before marriage not a hug or a kiss or a handshake or even be alone ina room together islam is extremely strict when it comes to fornication and things...
  14. soha

    Big brother friday night live

    yeah i watched that too straight after it
  15. soha

    Big brother friday night live

    i enjoyed watching friday night live 2nyt i thought it was halarious watching whatever their names are trying to walk towards the fan and get the fortune cookie etc if u saw it u know what im talking about i had a great laugh apart from that anything bigbro associated shits me
  16. soha

    Rules for Customers

    i feel so bad i got a fone bill and i was charged $16 for internet usgae for everyday of the past month what the mother fuck? i dont use internet and i havent been able to coz its not even working on my fone so i call up 3 and explain to them i havent been able to they say its on their...
  17. soha

    Happy New Financial Year!!

    noo..dont remind me i hate tax time stuff leaving the tax man milk and cookies he can buy his own with all the money i end up owing him every bloody year and i never understand why
  18. soha

    Religious affiliation

    must spread some rep b4 giving it to physician
  19. soha

    Any instrument players?

    yeah and a few xmas carols here and there..
  20. soha


    all i know about shares is that after working 5 years at woolworths i get free woolies shares wtf i use them 4 i have no idea