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    USYD scholarships

    I got placed on the Scholarship Reserves List...which means I can only get a scholarship if someone ranked above me is unable to take up theirs :( Hopefully I get a smoking ATAR so I can increase my chances....
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    General Thoughts: Biology

    Re: Hsc 2009 bio exam It was worth 3 marks not 1, assessing the validity of the student's claim that the inheritance pattern was that of sex-linkage.
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    Energy Transformations Question

    I did: electric drill - electrical energy >> rotational kinetic energy of the drill bit a kettle - electrical energy >> thermal heat energy of element a toaster - electrical energy >> thermal heat energy of element a hair dryer - electrical energy >> thermal heat energy + rotational...
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    That was a difficult paper

    I thought it was both easy and hard. Extended responses were easy, calculations I just stuffed up terribly. Not unlike maths extension a week ago; there were just things in there I had never seen before.
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    Band Cut offs?

    I am english inclined, so I absolutely ripped up the extended responses and my option topic (quanta to quarks), but choked miserably on most of the calculations.. so hopefully it evens out!
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    Feedback Mechanism Question

    Um, not sure. Depends how in depth you went in to them all. I only did three as well (tyranase in siamese cats, BB/Bb/bb brown/blue eyes and roan cattle), but i wrote a whole page in midget writing.
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    Module B- Navigating the Global

    It was okay. I thought they were both a little vague, but at least that gave you room to move a little.
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    Feedback Mechanism Question

    But the stimulus text specifically said as temperature returned back to 20C or whatever it was, i.e. cools, heart rate decreased and sweating stopped. I assumed that the question begged both parts of the negative feedback mechanism.
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    What bos said about the sor 2009 hsc exam

    Thats all fine and dandy, but as HSC students weve been told a million times to look over the syllabus, study the syllabus, know your syllabus inside out. NO ONE SAYS " check out and analyse every comment in the marking criteria it gives hints into what questions you will get next year " I...
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    General Thoughts: English Extension 1

    I did NTG. I was expecting the essay question to be harder, but I still had to scram in 5 minutes reading time to figure out how to reshape what I had prepared. Turned out really well, and I think I added extra depth to the question. Stimulus for creative was a little weird though. I put it in...
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    Extension 1 Essay: Have they ever...

    I asked my teacher the exact same question today. He said extremely unlikely that they will, if you look at all past questions they have said at least two prescribed and at least two related texts. Especially since my module has changed, i.e. retreat to navigating the global, I don't think...
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    Aren't cut offs determined by a panel after the exams have been marked. That's my understanding, anyway...that they look at the top mark and the bottom mark and moderate from there.
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    General Thoughts: Biology

    I know what you mean! I thought the key terms in this paper were off. I thought they mixed up outline/identify/explain a few times throughout the paper relative to the marks awarded
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    General Thoughts: Biology

    It's in the syllabus :( The syllabus is my bio-bible
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    General Thoughts: Biology

    I also drew 3 diagrams in an effort to try and trick the marker into giving me the 5 marks. haha.
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    General Thoughts: Biology

    I wasn't happy with the 5 marker on why not all stimuli generate all action potentials. I mean, I wrote about the all or nothing principle and intensity, etc. but that took me all of 2-3 sentences. So then I blabbed on about depolarisation and repolarisation and how this then couldn't occur...
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    Haha. When the question asked "What would Osamu tell Masa?" I felt like saying: Osamu would tell Masa to man the hell up and stop complaining like a little b***h about the size of buttons. And FYI Masa - children's toys are "embarassing" colours because they are for, well, CHILDREN!
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    General Thoughts: Biology

    I said it was valid, because you could work out what each individual was assuming XnXc = carrier female, XnXn = normal female, XcY = affected male and XnY = unaffected male. You had to work backwards.
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    General Thoughts: Biology

    HAHA! Hi stephen. Yeah, I wasn't so sure about that either, but my bullshitting skills came to good use. I managed to remember all the parts!
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    General Thoughts: Biology

    The whole point of sex linkage is that the "disease" is more likely to be expressed in males than females because all it takes is one X chromosome with the defective gene