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    Studying two degrees at once?

    It certainly isn't disallowed! I am doing a double degree at one University and a single one at another. Whilst I have deferred one component of the double degree (Law- for obvious reasons), I undertook 7 subjects the other semester and 8 this semester. It just requires commitment, and a good...
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    Undertaking a bachlor degree overseas whilst holding one from another country

    Hi, I hope this subject hasn't been discussed before, but if it has forgive me: I am currently undertaking a few bachelor degrees in Australia, but am interested in going back to England to study. The hallowed halls of Oxford/Cambridge would be very nice indeed. I will be moving back to...
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    anyone applying for uk unis?

    I am an a dual national undertaking a degree in Australia, but wanting to do a postgrad degree back in 'mighty Blighty'. From what I gather you need to be in the UK for three years prior to you undertaking your degree in the UK in order to be eligible for the 'home/EU student' rates (even if you...
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    What is the maximum number of units can a student do in a semester?

    Law, International Studies, and 'Urban and Regional Planning'. If I'm going to have a HECS debt I might as well do it in style!:)
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    What is the maximum number of units can a student do in a semester?

    a) 'Mad dogs and Englishmen'... Naturally they won't let you do that heavy a workload at the one uni, given that the uni's are side by side it makes it somewhat easier. Also, I believe doing the three makes one more employable (esp. with the current economic uncertainties) b) So far, 'touch...
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    What is the maximum number of units can a student do in a semester?

    There are loopholes to the rule, for example last semester I did seven subjects, same with this semester, but next semester I am doing 8 subjects spread over three degrees and two different unis. The point I am trying to make is that there are loopholes in that the universities are only aware of...
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    What Language is cooler?

    Well pointed out, I must have been half asleep at the time! I suppose what I was triyng to say is that we won't know for sure but we CAN speculate that English will be the dominant language (at least for busniness) for the future.
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    smoking on campus?

    I take it a few people will be 'lighting up' for a stimulus cigar within the following weeks? :party:
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    You might want to run 'spell check' before you send your posts, and use correct English! As with your problem in choosing a course, that is something that you should talk through with a career advisor at your high school and see how you go on in your last year so you are actually sure you do...
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    What Language is cooler?

    Although we can't speculate on languages of the future you'd have to think that English would be the universal language, my only hope is that it's English and not 'American' English ( a 'dumbed down' version of English!):hat:!
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    What Language is cooler?

    'Coolest' language would be Russian or Danish, cold over there!;) English is THE language, those who don't know it will soon need to know it, so-much-so that Universities around Europe etc are offering university courses in English to encourage overseas students. Also, you can't get by in India...
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    smoking on campus?

    Honestly... some questions on here!!! Depends on what your 'smoke' is. If you are an Arts student and your 'smoke' of choice is canabis then the answer is no!:D
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    Full Paying Overseas Students ?

    The 'r- word' (racism) gets thrown about too much these days. Clearly as our Chinese counterpart explained he has received racist treatment by one of the 'natives' of Australia (although, may I point out originally of Polynesian heritage themselves!!!). Indeed, I have been branded a 'white...'...
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    Could the internet in general be a university institution itself?

    Completely agree with you on that one Granny, also with Witide. That 'piece of paper (parchment)' proves exactly that, going to a world renouned university can only be beneficial, as for online degrees they are not worth the paper/parchment they are printed on! Unis out of the group of 8 are not...
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    How do you cope with 4 6cp subjects a semester?

    True, P's do get degrees, but C's & D's get you honours degrees;)
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    How Does HECS work?

    Karnage is right, it doesn't cover it, but it should!!! The Labo[u]r govt. brought in free Uni and also abolished it! Now it might be 'free' to those who can't afford to pay the debt back, but there is still a debt to the government. Textbooks should come under the HECS repayment (especially...
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    Am I the only liberal at uni?

    I agree. The front bench of the Libs are in turmoil, a shadow of its former self, Malcolm 'my house is better than Kirabilly' Turnbull is a joke! (But less of a joke than Tintin!). Australia (and Great Britain for that matter) needs a strong leader, someone in the mould of Baroness Thatcher...
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    Am I the only liberal at uni?

    Sad to say that it's not just confined to Sydney, Adelaide Unis are a left-wing breeding ground (esp. Flinders Uni, where if you haven't got dreadlocks and spoke the wacky backy you aren't excepted!), Adelaide Uni goes so far as to have a Homosexual club!!! Yes, there is a Liberal club, but the...
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    Uni Questions

    Re: High School Jerseys I could say that I trolled a troll with my comment, hehehe. Thanks for the update kev, I'll keep that in mind next time. Silly me thinking that some people were on here for help...