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  1. J

    English related text ideas

    preferably a novel, short story, or play but open to ideas
  2. J

    can a related text be a prescribed text

    hey I'm currently in the process of choosing a related text for English Extension and I'm getting mixed messages about whether or not my related text can be another English prescribed text for any course/module. For example there are some in the advanced course that I would be interested in...
  3. J

    English related text ideas

    Hi everyone, Does anyone have any suggestions for English Extension related text ideas? The module is worlds of upheaval and my other texts are Frankenstein, Heaney's Poems, and Madeline Thien do not say we have nothing. Just has to focus on the idea of a world in upheaval, some sort of...
  4. J

    job interview help

    Confidence is key. It looks good on anyone.
  5. J

    CAFS IRP - Please complete my survey! It would help me significantly! :)

    thanks :) im fascinated by physical health and am trying to find out what aspects of a teenagers life can positively and negatively affect this and understand how to find a healthy balance
  6. J

    CAFS IRP - Please complete my survey! It would help me significantly! :)

    Hi all! If you get a chance to complete this quick questionnaire for my CAFS independent research project, it would be much appreciated and would help me out a lot! Everything will be completely anonymous and no names or personal information will be used anywhere! The link is in my profile...
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  8. J

    hsc advanced english

    very helpful thanks heaps! i struggle writing one essay in 40 mins atm 3 is going to be a challenge hahaha
  9. J

    hsc advanced english

    Hi! i was wondering if people could give me an outline of all the hsc advanced english exams and what they can involve - just started year 12 but would like to know what im getting into haha
  10. J

    studying and organisation

    hi people I am just wondering how everyone stays organised with their studying. What I mean is, I have all this content across all my subjects, and obviously is continually going to be more content added as the year goes on, but how do you guys make sure you are revising everything you need to...
  11. J


    for those that use or have used atomi, do you think it is enough to sustain my notes? (For PDHPE, CAFS and SOR) I love watching the videos and making my notes off them, but do you think the information they supply is sufficient and goes into enough depth to get bands 5 and 6?
  12. J

    Anki ??

    Hey! I'm in the same situation as you, just started year 12 and have been using Anki this term and it is absolutely amazing. I like to do my reviews at the start of my day or at the end, as its a simple thing to do and really beneficial. Doing it at the start means you won't push it off or have...
  13. J

    Taking Notes - Handwritten or Typed?

    awesome thanks! when you say going back and revised your notes was that just reading over them?
  14. J

    How do you study/revise?

    that's awesome thanks!
  15. J

    How do you study/revise?

    thanks will definitely give this a go!
  16. J

    How do you study/revise?

    thank you that is really helpful! :)
  17. J

    How do you study/revise?

    thank you that is helpful! what does rote mean? i have seen it on a few threads
  18. J

    How do you study/revise?

    im doing pdhpe, community and family studies, studies of religion 1, advanced and extension english! :)
  19. J

    How do you study/revise?

    So I have literally never studied in my life and coming into year 12 I've realised that I am going to need to. I am making my notes for all my subjects, aligned with the syllabus, but once I actually have my notes, what's the next step? I can read over them but I don't know how effective that...
  20. J

    Taking Notes - Handwritten or Typed?

    thank you so much that’s very helpful! i think i will definitely be typing my notes then for some subjects.