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  1. 5str

    Intellectual Movies

    Stalker (anything by Tarkovsky) +1 for 2001 American Psycho Moon Enemy Mostly scifi and thriller of course.
  2. 5str

    #Gamergate: What is really going on in the gaming industry?

    Christ Sylvia, you're really going into the SOCJUS hate. Being an early participant in the controversy early, I can tell you that there are legitimate concerns from both sides. The only reason there has been so much hysteria involved in the events is because radicals from both sides are...
  3. 5str

    To all my 2015 HSC BoSers

    1. Straight into uni or gap year, depends if I'm a lazy fuck or eager 2. Pure Maths or Actuary Studies (pipe dream) at UNSW 3. Cruising pretty hard in some subjects that I'm dropping next year, pretty chill otherwise 4. Fuck no, we all have another year for that shit 5. I enjoy learning to a...
  4. 5str

    Should I drop EE1?

    Personally, I am quite certain I will drop EE1 for the HSC. If you are having trouble keeping up with the work currently, it won't magically get better in year 12, if anything it will be worse. It seems you aren't very engaged with the subject either, you should seriously think about if you want...