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  1. irresponsible

    Is it too late to do math Ext1

    What did you say to get in?
  2. irresponsible

    Is it too late to do math Ext1

    Thanks, But I'm not sure how to execute it. It is alot to ask for and I am really not sure how they going to do it
  3. irresponsible

    Is it too late to do math Ext1

    My subjects rn are english adv, math adv, chem, econ, phy and SOR2 (religion is manatory). So the benefits I would say is help strength my math and other subject (like phy and chem) and I finding SOR2 really boring and exhausting so I want to do math ext1 so I can do SOR1
  4. irresponsible

    Is it too late to do math Ext1

    Hey guys, So currently I am doing adv math and I want to switch to do 3u math, but at my school their is only 1 class doing it and idk what to say to the math coordinator about changing class. Idk if they allow changing class and considering last year my math results was not the greatest but...