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  1. J

    Inspiration Thread (2014 cohort)!

    Re: Inspiration Thread (2013 cohort)! I'm trying to write a story where a man pays for the opportunity to kill someone but once he gets there and holds the gun in his hand he realizes he can't do it. The novel then flashes back to how he got there and what he had done before, it then flashes...
  2. J

    Belonging: Related Text Suggestions

    Well, we've done the Simple Gift in class. As for my related texts I'm tossing up between V for Vendetta the comic book, Catch-22 or The Stranger for my examination related texts. For the assignment we have now I'm doing the Motorcycle Diaries film, about Che Guevara and how he found out what...
  3. J

    How is everyone going?

    I've started a new story idea, Journals a bit behind but I should be right for the Viva next week. Just going to have to catch-up Thinking of doing a psychological thing, a man pays for the opportunity to kill someone then once he gets in the room with the gun at his hand realizes what he's...
  4. J

    2013 Federal election

    Re: 2013 Australian Federal election It just looks like Liberals will win this to me, either way though it's not particularly good. Both are horrible leaders, the only difference really is how the parties use finances. Liberals are like the kings of spending because they're all businessmen...
  5. J

    His Ext Major Work - 2013

    I'm split between, Che guevarra or the Manhattan Project. The Medici seems interesting, but my only knowledge of them is Assassin's Creed :L With Che might be looking at his portrayal through the media or the legacy he has left behind through his work. With the Manhattan Project I...
  6. J

    Who Is the Best Soccer Player of Recent Times?

    How am I the only to vote for R9 the man was amazing, look at the 97 with Barca to see his prime, man beat the shit out of everybody.
  7. J

    Does anyone else have no idea what they're doing for their MW?

    Our viva voce/proposal isn't until the end of term 1 next year Uhh, idea... 1.) A politician takes control of the government and begins persecuting others religions outside his own Based on religious persecution around the world, 2.) Babying of society such as rules and regulations winds up...
  8. J

    Does anyone else have no idea what they're doing for their MW?

    I think, our teacher said it had to be something we'd done in class so she listed off topics like Romanticism and stuff, then I got to 1984 which is under journeys? Anyways I spun that into getting to write a dystopian short story, so I'm going alright, keeping up with the journal is a pain in...