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  1. m3_evo8

    Mats1101 or chem1011

    come to uni bar u too!!!
  2. m3_evo8

    Mats1101 or chem1011

    yeah same uni bar today at 9.30 cu ther (I'll b wearing a pink jumper with a love heart on it) :P
  3. m3_evo8

    Mats1101 or chem1011

    damn, I was gonna ask the same as well!! do you guyz do civil engineering at unsw?
  4. m3_evo8

    subject selection - plz advice me on this

    I was also thinking maybe I should stay in higher computing for a while and then decide whether I should stick with it or drop to normal comp... Is higher computing all about programming or does it also include studying about computer hardware?
  5. m3_evo8

    The UNSW Textbook Buy/Sell Thread

    but do you know if therez much difference between the two editions? :)
  6. m3_evo8

    subject selection - plz advice me on this

    Hi, I'm doing civil engineering at unsw and currently enrolled in higher maths 1141, higher physics 1131, ENGG1000 and now I'm thinking of moving from normal computing to higher computing 1917.. So do you guyz think it's alright for the first semester or should I just stick with normal computing...
  7. m3_evo8

    The UNSW Textbook Buy/Sell Thread

    do you know if therez much difference between the 9th and the 10th edition of that textbook? and how much are you planning on selling that book for?? :)
  8. m3_evo8

    Studying @ UNSW – a guide from a student

    Re: Textbooks / Handbooks / Student Fees Hi, I'm doing higher maths 1141, and we were prescribed the Calculus one & several variables + WileyPLUS 10th edition... I was thinking of buying a second hand 9th edition of the book.. So would there be much difference between the two editions? or...